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Post by Gert DoeringHi,
Post by hylafax-userMgetty answers the modem and receives faxes, I receive an e-mail telling
me a fax arrived. Is there a way to configure the package to have it
attach a TIF or PDF representation of the fax to the e-mail?
Yes. Check the documentation for the FAX_NOTIFY_PROGRAM (new_fax) feature,
and look into the source package for .../samples/new_fax.* example scripts.
Thanks for the reply. I found the .../samples and read the INSTALL and
README files. I placed
new_fax and new_fax.mail into /etc/mgetty+sendfax and restarted mgetty.
A lot of documentation
I found said to configure FAX_NOTIFY_PROGRAM in policy.h but I do not
have that anywhere
on my filesystem. I tried adding a line to my mgetty.config but when I
receive faxes the same
notice comes to FaxMaster. There is a line in the log (level 8) I am
suspicious about,
7:10:43 system() failed: No such file or directory.
A policy.h file sounds like it would be used in compiling a new version
of Mgetty. Since I don't have
policy.h where would I add the FAX_NOTIFY_PROGRAM line?
05/27 07:09:56 yS0 waiting for
05/27 07:10:06 yS0 found action string: ``+FCO_''
05/27 07:10:06 yS0 start fax receiver...
05/27 07:10:06 yS0
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 fax_id: '+FTI:" Behringer Corp."'
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 transmission par.: '+FCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'** found **
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLO=2' -> OK
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDR'
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)** found **
05/27 07:10:13 yS0 fax_get_page_data: receiving
05/27 07:10:37 yS0 fax_get_page_data: page end, bytes received: 44311
05/27 07:10:37 yS0
05/27 07:10:37 yS0 page status: +FPS:1,2163,0,0,0** found
05/27 07:10:39 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDR'
05/27 07:10:39 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
05/27 07:10:43 yS0 connection hangup: '+FHS:00'** found **
05/27 07:10:43 ##### fax dev=ttyS0, pid=24162, caller='none', name='',
id='Behringer C
orp.', +FHNG=000, pages=1/0,
05/27 07:10:43 yS0 system() failed: No such file or directory
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATH0' -> OK
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.30-Dec16
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 check for lockfiles
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 locking the line
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 lowering DTR to reset Modem
05/27 07:10:46 yS0 send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
05/27 07:10:46 yS0 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 send: ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATI'
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 USR Courier/Sportster 56k detected
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATI3'
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 additional info: 'U.S. Robotics 56K FAX EXT V5.11.6'
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0' -> OK
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FAA=1;+FCR=1' -> OK
05/27 07:10:48 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FBO=1' -> OK
05/27 07:10:48 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FNR=1,1,1,0' -> OK
05/27 07:10:48 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLI="973 697 4443"' -> OK
05/27 07:10:48 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0' -> OK
05/27 07:10:49 yS0 waiting...
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Gert Doering wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:***" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Hi,
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 05:14:18PM -0400, hylafax-user wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Mgetty answers the modem and receives faxes, I receive an e-mail telling
me a fax arrived. Is there a way to configure the package to have it
attach a TIF or PDF representation of the fax to the e-mail?
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Yes. Check the documentation for the FAX_NOTIFY_PROGRAM (new_fax) feature,
and look into the source package for .../samples/new_fax.* example scripts.
Thanks for the reply. I found the .../samples and read the INSTALL and
README files. I placed <br>
new_fax and new_fax.mail into /etc/mgetty+sendfax and restarted
mgetty. A lot of documentation <br>
I found said to configure FAX_NOTIFY_PROGRAM in policy.h but I do not
have that anywhere<br>
on my filesystem. I tried adding a line to my mgetty.config but when
I receive faxes the same<br>
notice comes to FaxMaster. There is a line in the log (level 8) I am
suspicious about, <br>
7:10:43 system() failed: No such file or directory. <br>
A policy.h file sounds like it would be used in compiling a new version
of Mgetty. Since I don't have<br>
policy.h where would I add the FAX_NOTIFY_PROGRAM line?<br>
05/27 07:09:56 yS0 waiting for
``CONNECT'' <br>
05/27 07:10:06 yS0 found action string: ``+FCO_''<br>
05/27 07:10:06 yS0 start fax receiver...<br>
05/27 07:10:06 yS0
fax_wait_for(OK) <br>
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 fax_id: '+FTI:" Behringer Corp."'<br>
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 transmission par.: '+FCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'** found **<br>
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLO=2' -> OK<br>
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDR'<br>
05/27 07:10:08 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)** found **<br>
05/27 07:10:13 yS0 fax_get_page_data: receiving
05/27 07:10:37 yS0 fax_get_page_data: page end, bytes received: 44311<br>
05/27 07:10:37 yS0
fax_wait_for(OK) <br>
05/27 07:10:37 yS0 page status: +FPS:1,2163,0,0,0** found
** <br>
05/27 07:10:39 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDR'<br>
05/27 07:10:39 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)<br>
05/27 07:10:43 yS0 connection hangup: '+FHS:00'** found **<br>
05/27 07:10:43 ##### fax dev=ttyS0, pid=24162, caller='none', name='',
id='Behringer C<br>
orp.', +FHNG=000, pages=1/0,
time=00:00:47 <br>
05/27 07:10:43 yS0 system() failed: No such file or directory<br>
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATH0' -> OK<br>
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.30-Dec16<br>
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 check for lockfiles<br>
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 locking the line<br>
05/27 07:10:45 yS0 lowering DTR to reset Modem<br>
05/27 07:10:46 yS0 send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]<br>
05/27 07:10:46 yS0 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **<br>
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 send: ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]<br>
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **<br>
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATI'<br>
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 USR Courier/Sportster 56k detected<br>
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATI3'<br>
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 additional info: 'U.S. Robotics 56K FAX EXT V5.11.6'<br>
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0' -> OK<br>
05/27 07:10:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FAA=1;+FCR=1' -> OK<br>
05/27 07:10:48 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FBO=1' -> OK<br>
05/27 07:10:48 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FNR=1,1,1,0' -> OK<br>
05/27 07:10:48 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLI="973 697 4443"' -> OK<br>
05/27 07:10:48 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0' -> OK<br>
05/27 07:10:49 yS0 waiting...<br>