mgetty-sendfax not triggering new_fax at all...
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Vini Engel
2006-09-07 02:32:10 UTC
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone would have any comments regarding my issue. I
have a machine running Fedora Core 5 and mgetty-sendfax-1.1.33-7.FC5.2.

mgetty-sendfax seems to work well, it sends faxes out and receives.
However, after receiving one or two faxes it seems not to trigger the
new_fax script anymore and thus fax files start to pile up.

09/07 11:46:16 yS0 (Normal and proper end of connection)** found **
09/07 11:46:16 yS0 fax receiver: hangup & end
09/07 11:46:16 yS0 fax_notify_mail: sending mail to: faxadmin

It is really estrange because everything seems to be fine, no apparent
permission problems nor any other things that could possibly lead to
this kind of intermittent problem.

One thing though, if I run new_fax manually it works and does what is
expected with the fax file in /var/spool/fax/incoming. I have also
replace the actual script with a dummy script that logs the passed
parameters just to see it the it was being triggered at all and it isn't.

Any ideas?


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Gert Doering
2006-09-17 09:52:06 UTC
Post by Vini Engel
I was wondering if anyone would have any comments regarding my issue. I
have a machine running Fedora Core 5 and mgetty-sendfax-1.1.33-7.FC5.2.
mgetty-sendfax seems to work well, it sends faxes out and receives.
However, after receiving one or two faxes it seems not to trigger the
new_fax script anymore and thus fax files start to pile up.
Please increase the mgetty log level to "-x6", it should tell you
whether it's calling anything, and if yes, what.

Given the fact that mgetty has no memory of "previous calls", your
observation that it works for one or two calls, and then stops working,
seems really unusual.

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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

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Vini Engel
2006-09-17 16:22:44 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
Post by Vini Engel
I was wondering if anyone would have any comments regarding my issue. I
have a machine running Fedora Core 5 and mgetty-sendfax-1.1.33-7.FC5.2.
mgetty-sendfax seems to work well, it sends faxes out and receives.
However, after receiving one or two faxes it seems not to trigger the
new_fax script anymore and thus fax files start to pile up.
Please increase the mgetty log level to "-x6", it should tell you
whether it's calling anything, and if yes, what.
Given the fact that mgetty has no memory of "previous calls", your
observation that it works for one or two calls, and then stops working,
seems really unusual.
The log level was 9 I think I rose it many times to see if it would tell
me anything new but nothing new came out. I was really strange because
it would work sometimes and wouldn't some.

After doing a lot of testing a figured that it would have to send an
email out to the faxadmin and there was no user to receive this email
and the sendmail was not being called at all. So I configured it to send
the emails to my user but nothing happened either. I then carefully
looked to the output of 'strings mgetty' make sure it new when to look
for the sendmail executable and that was the catch. It was looking for
it in a odd path, so I fixed it with a symbolic link.

Once it was able to call sendmail it started working, not much sense in
it though. I noticed that if it cannot find sendmail it won't execute
the new_fax script but sometimes it will.

Now that it works fine, I am having problems with incoming faxes
sometimes. Some faxes get badly truncated and become unreadable, I fax
machine connected to the same line and receiving from the same sending
fax machine has no problems to receive it.

Any tips on that?


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