Patch for 226 & 226a
(too old to reply)
Doug Haber
2007-07-27 18:18:10 UTC
Hi All,

I've been a very happy mgetty/vgetty user for a while (thanks for the
great prog!) and I hope I'm not over stepping my bounds, but I was
having an issue similar to TODO #226 & #226a, so I made a fix and have
attached the patch. Please let me know what you think and how it can be
improved/included in the source.

The patch has a new mgetty parameter called "cnd-min-rings". If this is
defined (and "cnd-program" is defined) then "cnd-program" will be called
on the "cnd-min-rings" ring instead of on the "rings" ring.
"cnd-program" can then choose to be called on each subsequent ring or to
simply accept/reject the call based on the following return values
(basically the same as 1.1.35 but with the new "2" value):

"Allow call"; the call will get accept if the caller waits "rings" rings
and "cnd-program" will not be called again.

"Reject call"; the call will be rejected and "cnd-program" will not be
called again.

"Defer call"; "cnd-program" will be called on each ring until
"cnd-program" returns something else or "rings" is reached

Thanks for any feedback and the great program!
Gert Doering
2007-08-02 20:55:15 UTC
Post by Doug Haber
I've been a very happy mgetty/vgetty user for a while (thanks for the
great prog!) and I hope I'm not over stepping my bounds, but I was
having an issue similar to TODO #226 & #226a, so I made a fix and have
attached the patch. Please let me know what you think and how it can be
improved/included in the source.
Amazing :) - this is about what I had in mind.

I'll try to do my best to include this "real soon now" - unfortunately
I'm a bit busy with paid-for work these days, so I can't promise anything.

(Most likely I'll rewrite parts of it somewhat, but it's good to have
a starting point).

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