vgetty and Trendnet TFM-560X compression
(too old to reply)
Greg Trigg
2008-02-09 14:47:42 UTC
I'm trying to get my external Data/Voice/Fax Modem to work as an
answering machine. I've gotten it to pick up like it's supposed to.
tries to play the greeting, but the greeting sounds like an ugly
screeching sound. It then plays the "beep" which sounds good. It then

starts recording occasionally getting the caller id. I have many
recordings, but when I try to listen to any of them, I get that same
ugly screeching noise.

I believe the problem may be the compression options in voice.conf, but

I'm not sure how to change them or even if they should be changed.
are different than what my modem reports.

The modem reports the following:
ATI: Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun 14 2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH mode-ii
ATI 1: 0418
ATI 2:
ATI 3: Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun 14 2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH
ATI 4: 18
ATI 5: OCM ,0,19
ATI 6:
ATI 7:

This is what I get when I query the modem in voice mode:
128,"8-BIT LINEAR",(7200,8000,11025)
129,"16-BIT LINEAR",(7200,8000,11025)
130,"8-BIT ALAW",(8000)
131,"8-BIT ULAW",(8000)
132,"IMA ADPCM",(7200,8000,11025)


So I tried to modify the compression section of voice.conf to this:

# Default entries for the V253_init_compression_table, which will be
# for the AT+VSM=<compression_method>,<sample_rate> command,
# if compression mapping querry fails or is disabled.

# compression 9 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_linear_signed 128
# compression 12 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_16bit_linear_signed 129
# compression 1 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_8bit_linear_unsigned 1
# compression 10 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_ulaw 131
# compression 11 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_alaw 130
# compression 2 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_2bit_adpcm 140
# compression 4 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_4bit_adpcm 141
# compression 5 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_4bit_ima_adpcm 132

When I look at the log file, vgetty is still trying to use

Which my modem doesn't apparently support.

How do I get vgetty to use the compression methods that my modem


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Juergen Kosel
2008-02-09 16:50:14 UTC
Post by Greg Trigg
I'm trying to get my external Data/Voice/Fax Modem to work as an
answering machine. I've gotten it to pick up like it's supposed to.
tries to play the greeting, but the greeting sounds like an ugly
screeching sound. It then plays the "beep" which sounds good. It then
starts recording occasionally getting the caller id. I have many
recordings, but when I try to listen to any of them, I get that same
ugly screeching noise.
I guess that the speed of your serial line is configured to slow (38400
baud by default).
In voice.conf set:
port_speed 115200
Otherwise a lot of samples are lost and your greeting/recording sounds
just like noise.
Post by Greg Trigg
I believe the problem may be the compression options in voice.conf, but
I'm not sure how to change them or even if they should be changed.
are different than what my modem reports.
ATI: Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun 14 2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH mode-ii
ATI 1: 0418
ATI 3: Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun 14 2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH
ATI 4: 18
ATI 5: OCM ,0,19
128,"8-BIT LINEAR",(7200,8000,11025)
129,"16-BIT LINEAR",(7200,8000,11025)
130,"8-BIT ALAW",(8000)
131,"8-BIT ULAW",(8000)
132,"IMA ADPCM",(7200,8000,11025)
# Default entries for the V253_init_compression_table, which will be
# for the AT+VSM=<compression_method>,<sample_rate> command,
# if compression mapping querry fails or is disabled.
# compression 9 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_linear_signed 128
# compression 12 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_16bit_linear_signed 129
# compression 1 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_8bit_linear_unsigned 1
try here
compression_8bit_linear_unsigned 128
Post by Greg Trigg
# compression 10 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_ulaw 131
# compression 11 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_alaw 130
# compression 2 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_2bit_adpcm 140
# compression 4 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_4bit_adpcm 141
# compression 5 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_4bit_ima_adpcm 132
The above is a mapping of AT+VSM settings to the vgetty setting
Post by Greg Trigg
When I look at the log file, vgetty is still trying to use
Which my modem doesn't apparently support.
How do I get vgetty to use the compression methods that my modem
set for example
rec_compression 9
to choose 8 bit linear signed instead of the default 8 bit unsigned (you
can't hear any difference).

Greg Trigg
2008-02-10 14:47:01 UTC
Post by Juergen Kosel
Post by Greg Trigg
I'm trying to get my external Data/Voice/Fax Modem to work as an
answering machine. I've gotten it to pick up like it's supposed to.
It tries to play the greeting, but the greeting sounds like an ugly
screeching sound. It then plays the "beep" which sounds good. It then
starts recording occasionally getting the caller id. I have many
recordings, but when I try to listen to any of them, I get that same
ugly screeching noise.
I guess that the speed of your serial line is configured to slow (38400
baud by default).
port_speed 115200
Otherwise a lot of samples are lost and your greeting/recording sounds
just like noise.
Post by Greg Trigg
I believe the problem may be the compression options in voice.conf, but
I'm not sure how to change them or even if they should be changed.
They are different than what my modem reports.
ATI: Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun 14 2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH mode-ii
ATI 1: 0418
ATI 3: Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun 14 2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH
mode-ii SERIAL
ATI 4: 18
ATI 5: OCM ,0,19
128,"8-BIT LINEAR",(7200,8000,11025)
129,"16-BIT LINEAR",(7200,8000,11025)
130,"8-BIT ALAW",(8000)
131,"8-BIT ULAW",(8000)
132,"IMA ADPCM",(7200,8000,11025)
# Default entries for the V253_init_compression_table, which will be
# for the AT+VSM=<compression_method>,<sample_rate> command,
# if compression mapping querry fails or is disabled.
# compression 9 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_linear_signed 128
# compression 12 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_16bit_linear_signed 129
# compression 1 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_8bit_linear_unsigned 1
try here
compression_8bit_linear_unsigned 128
Post by Greg Trigg
# compression 10 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_ulaw 131
# compression 11 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_8bit_alaw 130
# compression 2 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_2bit_adpcm 140
# compression 4 for rmd/pvf tools
# compression_4bit_adpcm 141
# compression 5 for rmd/pvf tools
compression_4bit_ima_adpcm 132
The above is a mapping of AT+VSM settings to the vgetty setting
Ok, I made the changes above and tried it by editing /etc/inittab and
issuing 'telinit q'.
Post by Juergen Kosel
Post by Greg Trigg
When I look at the log file, vgetty is still trying to use
Which my modem doesn't apparently support.
How do I get vgetty to use the compression methods that my modem
set for example
rec_compression 9
to choose 8 bit linear signed instead of the default 8 bit unsigned (you
can't hear any difference).
I set this back to rec_compression 1, since we gave compression 1 a
value 128. This is what my log file shows:

02/10 08:16:29 yS1 locking the line
02/10 08:16:29 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
02/10 08:16:29 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
02/10 08:16:29 yS1 lock made
02/10 08:16:29 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
02/10 08:16:29 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
02/10 08:16:30 yS1 tss: set speed to 115200 (10002)
02/10 08:16:30 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/10 08:16:30 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME=1), read:
02/10 08:16:30 yS1 send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 got: ATQ0V1H0[0d][0d][0a]OK ** found **
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 send: AT[0d]
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 got: [0d][0a]AT[0d][0d][0a]OK ** found **
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: 'Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun 14
2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH mode-ii SERIAL'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_identify: string 'Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun
14 2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH mode-ii SERIAL'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 non-numeric ID string: 'Agere OCM V.92 Ver2.7a (Jun
14 2004) Voice Mercury DP2SH mode-ii SERIAL'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 no class 2/2.0 faxmodem, no faxing available
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 tss: set speed to 115200 (10002)
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 tss: set speed to 115200 (10002)
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 detecting voice modem type
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 voice command: '' -> 'OK|ATE1'
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 voice command: 'ATI9' -> ''
02/10 08:16:32 yS1 voice command: 'ATI3' -> ''
02/10 08:16:32 yS1 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+FCLASS=8' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+VSM=1,8000' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 vgetty: Modem returned ERROR
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+FCLASS=0' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 no voice modem detected

It's still trying to use 'AT+VSM=1,8000'
I need it to do 'AT+VSM=128,8000'.

I guess I should mention the version my Debian install is using.
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 vgetty: experimental test release 0.9.32 / with
duplex patch
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 mgetty: interim release 1.1.35-Feb22
Post by Juergen Kosel
Thanks for your help,
2008-02-11 11:13:10 UTC
Post by Greg Trigg
I'm trying to get my external Data/Voice/Fax Modem to work as an
answering machine. I've gotten it to pick up like it's supposed to. It
tries to play the greeting, but the greeting sounds like an ugly
screeching sound. It then plays the "beep" which sounds good. It then
starts recording occasionally getting the caller id. I have many
recordings, but when I try to listen to any of them, I get that same
ugly screeching noise.

Voice.conf does not need changing.

Please provide the exact commands you use for playback including all
options. I believe there may be a conversion error.
Juergen Kosel
2008-02-11 17:30:19 UTC
Post by Greg Trigg
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 voice command: 'ATI9' -> ''
02/10 08:16:32 yS1 voice command: 'ATI3' -> ''
02/10 08:16:32 yS1 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+FCLASS=8' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+VSM=1,8000' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 vgetty: Modem returned ERROR
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+FCLASS=0' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 no voice modem detected
It's still trying to use 'AT+VSM=1,8000'
I need it to do 'AT+VSM=128,8000'.
that's because auto detection of your modem has failed.
forceV253 true
in voice.conf

Greg Trigg
2008-02-12 13:49:22 UTC
Post by Juergen Kosel
Post by Greg Trigg
02/10 08:16:31 yS1 voice command: 'ATI9' -> ''
02/10 08:16:32 yS1 voice command: 'ATI3' -> ''
02/10 08:16:32 yS1 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+FCLASS=8' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+VSM=1,8000' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 vgetty: Modem returned ERROR
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 voice command: 'AT+FCLASS=0' -> 'OK'
02/10 08:16:33 yS1 no voice modem detected
It's still trying to use 'AT+VSM=1,8000'
I need it to do 'AT+VSM=128,8000'.
that's because auto detection of your modem has failed.
forceV253 true
in voice.conf
That did the trick! I now have a working answering machine.

Thank you,
