Routing faxed based on MSN
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Ben Stuyts
2006-07-13 15:18:35 UTC

Running mgetty-1.1.34 on FreeBSD 4-stable with a ZyXEL 2864i modem.

I would like to route incoming faxes to different printers based on
the MSN number they are received on, but can't find an easy way to do
so. It is not passed as a parameter to the new_fax script, and it is
also not part of the filename.

Previously I was doing something similar with multiple modems and
then route on the basis of the serial port (which is part of the


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Ben Stuyts
2006-07-13 15:44:52 UTC
Heh, the subject should read: Routing faxes based on MSN

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Gert Doering
2006-07-13 16:01:47 UTC
Post by Ben Stuyts
Running mgetty-1.1.34 on FreeBSD 4-stable with a ZyXEL 2864i modem.
I would like to route incoming faxes to different printers based on
the MSN number they are received on, but can't find an easy way to do
so. It is not passed as a parameter to the new_fax script, and it is
also not part of the filename.
It's passed as $CALLED_ID in the environment :) (I didn't want to change
the calling convention for new_fax, to avoid breaking people's scripts)

Run mgetty with "-x6", and the log will tell you what environment variables
are set, and what values you can find in there. Like this:

07/03 10:57:02 y5d setenv: 'CALLER_ID=8999222380'
07/03 10:57:02 y5d setenv: 'CALLED_ID=35655025'
07/03 10:57:02 y5d setenv: 'CONNECT=1200/V.22 1200/None'
07/03 10:57:02 y5d setenv: 'DEVICE=tty5d'

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

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Ben Stuyts
2006-07-13 17:02:20 UTC
Hi Gert,
Post by Gert Doering
Post by Ben Stuyts
I would like to route incoming faxes to different printers based on
the MSN number they are received on, but can't find an easy way to do
so. It is not passed as a parameter to the new_fax script, and it is
also not part of the filename.
It's passed as $CALLED_ID in the environment :) (I didn't want to change
the calling convention for new_fax, to avoid breaking people's
Great! Thanks very much!


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