voice formats
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TOPMANN (Torben Pollmann)
2005-10-29 22:08:48 UTC
Hi mates, you might remember that I come from ZFAX/DOS and now movecd
to Linux mvgetty.

Is there any link known to you where I could read more about
the various voice formats?

ZFAS offers 2-4bit adpcm, and CELP. Does mvgetty use CELP, too?

Ì ask because this makes use of the 1496E **plus** capabilities
and only needs 9600 baud!

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2005-10-30 01:18:52 UTC
Here is a link to the ITU v253 standards:


Gert Doering
2005-11-24 18:06:51 UTC
Post by TOPMANN (Torben Pollmann)
Hi mates, you might remember that I come from ZFAX/DOS and now movecd
to Linux mvgetty.
Is there any link known to you where I could read more about
the various voice formats?
ZFAS offers 2-4bit adpcm, and CELP. Does mvgetty use CELP, too?
As far as I know, CELP is a proprietary format by ZyXEL, and they consider
it a trade secret -> no documentation.

vgetty can record/playback CELP files, but cannot convert it to .pvf/.wav

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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
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TOPMANN (Torben Pollmann)
2005-11-27 12:26:39 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
Post by TOPMANN (Torben Pollmann)
Hi mates, you might remember that I come from ZFAX/DOS and now movecd
to Linux mvgetty.
Is there any link known to you where I could read more about
the various voice formats?
ZFAS offers 2-4bit adpcm, and CELP. Does mvgetty use CELP, too?
As far as I know, CELP is a proprietary format by ZyXEL, and they consider
it a trade secret -> no documentation.
vgetty can record/playback CELP files, but cannot convert it to .pvf/.wav
This would greatly help me on the "old-pcs"-problem.

CELP uses 9600 which EVERY pc is able to do, even the old 8250s.

So how do I switch to CELP so that vgetty records and plays CELP
coded format?
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