[mgetty] Color-Faxe?
(too old to reply)
Ignatios Souvatzis
2014-08-07 15:35:35 UTC
Das Multidings am Arbeitsplatz kann angeblich Farbfaxe verschicken.
Es hat aber bisher noch keine Gegenstelle gefunden, die sie auch
annehmen mag. Was wäre denn nötig, um mgetty das annehmen (oder gar
versenden) von sowas beizubringen?

A medium apple... weighs 182 grams, yields 95 kcal, and contains no
caffeine, thus making it unsuitable for sysadmins. - Brian Kantor
Gert Doering
2014-12-10 22:16:19 UTC

(no idea where that news post / list item was hiding, seems my gateway
had quite a hickup :-/ )
Post by Ignatios Souvatzis
Das Multidings am Arbeitsplatz kann angeblich Farbfaxe verschicken.
Es hat aber bisher noch keine Gegenstelle gefunden, die sie auch
annehmen mag. Was wäre denn nötig, um mgetty das annehmen (oder gar
versenden) von sowas beizubringen?
I'm afraid the answer today is "use hylafax"... :-/

I haven't yet seen a class 2/2.0 modem that can do colour, and mgetty's
class 1 implementation doesn't do ECM, which you really want for colour -
plus, I have no idea how to decode the incoming bit stream - supposedly
it's some sort of jpeg.

While I've alway been *interested* in getting colour fax to work, I didn't
have enough spare time and no customer ever asked for it, so it just did
not happen yet. Sorry.

The actual work, I think, is:

- beef up the class 1 support to handle negotiation of colour and
error correction mode
- figure out how to encode/decode colour fax
- decide how to handle "I have a colour fax here, the receiver can not
handle it" - transparent re-encoding inside sendfax? failure?
- add some flags to sendfax(8) and faxqueue(5)...

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