incoming fax change ideas
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Andreas Barth
2007-01-26 13:15:46 UTC

I'm considering to change the way incoming faxes are treated in Debian.

Currently, a mail is sent to root, and one program is executed that (by
default) converts the fax to png, and sents it to root as well.

What I'm considering is to execute all scripts in one directory, and
only if at least one of the scripts fails to execute correct (or there
is no script at all) send mail to root (if not configured otherwise)
with the errors, plus log this.

By default, I would symlink the current script into the directory to be
executed (and on upgrades from the current packages also the "send mail
to root"-one).

Comments to these ideas?

Gert Doering
2007-01-29 20:37:35 UTC
Post by Andreas Barth
I'm considering to change the way incoming faxes are treated in Debian.
Currently, a mail is sent to root, and one program is executed that (by
default) converts the fax to png, and sents it to root as well.
What I'm considering is to execute all scripts in one directory, and
only if at least one of the scripts fails to execute correct (or there
is no script at all) send mail to root (if not configured otherwise)
with the errors, plus log this.
Sounds good to me.

Add to that a few sample scripts that can be turned on and off by setting
"chmod +x" (or such, like /usr/local/etc/rc/ scripts in FreeBSD), and
it should make many more users much more happy :-)

NB: If you plan to do a full release, let me know - there is quite some
amount of changes pending on my side, and I need to do some cleanup and
do a release as well.

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

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Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Brian Johnson
2007-01-29 21:18:12 UTC
I've modified some of the sample scripts that might be of interest to you.

For instance, we use CUPS and I set up a printer class for fax print outs.
Because the sample scripts were sending the faxes one page at a time, some
pages of a multi-page fax would come out on one printer and other pages on
another in the printer class. I modified the script to make a multi-page .ps
and send that as one print job instead

Also, I changed the pdf script to make a multipage fax ...

and the email script to send inline .png thumbnails and a multi-page pdf
Post by Gert Doering
Post by Andreas Barth
I'm considering to change the way incoming faxes are treated in Debian.
Currently, a mail is sent to root, and one program is executed that (by
default) converts the fax to png, and sents it to root as well.
What I'm considering is to execute all scripts in one directory, and
only if at least one of the scripts fails to execute correct (or there
is no script at all) send mail to root (if not configured otherwise)
with the errors, plus log this.
Sounds good to me.
Add to that a few sample scripts that can be turned on and off by setting
"chmod +x" (or such, like /usr/local/etc/rc/ scripts in FreeBSD), and
it should make many more users much more happy :-)
NB: If you plan to do a full release, let me know - there is quite some
amount of changes pending on my side, and I need to do some cleanup and
do a release as well.
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Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Juergen Kosel
2007-01-30 17:25:20 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
NB: If you plan to do a full release, let me know - there is quite some
amount of changes pending on my side, and I need to do some cleanup and
do a release as well.
Concerning the patches of Daniel Dickinson <***@wightman.ca> for the
Rockwell RCVDL5656ACFW/SP modem and Pat_Deegan (I don't know his current
mailaddress) for vocp force detect are merged in:
(There were no changes to this patch, since I posted the link the first

Pat Deegans VOCP force detect patch would close a bug on Debians
wishlist [ http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=287288 ].

Gert Doering
2007-01-31 19:03:26 UTC
Post by Juergen Kosel
Post by Gert Doering
NB: If you plan to do a full release, let me know - there is quite some
amount of changes pending on my side, and I need to do some cleanup and
do a release as well.
Rockwell RCVDL5656ACFW/SP modem and Pat_Deegan (I don't know his current
(There were no changes to this patch, since I posted the link the first
If I understand this correctly, this means "please include this patch - I
have tested it and it works"? :-)
Post by Juergen Kosel
Pat Deegans VOCP force detect patch would close a bug on Debians
wishlist [ http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=287288 ].
Always happy to make a maintainer happy ;-)

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Juergen Kosel
2007-01-31 20:01:08 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
Post by Juergen Kosel
Post by Gert Doering
NB: If you plan to do a full release, let me know - there is quite some
amount of changes pending on my side, and I need to do some cleanup and
do a release as well.
Rockwell RCVDL5656ACFW/SP modem and Pat_Deegan (I don't know his current
(There were no changes to this patch, since I posted the link the first
If I understand this correctly, this means "please include this patch - I
have tested it and it works"? :-)
I have tested the patch with the one and only modem I own. With this
modem it works: I could force the modem driver by Pat's patch and the
modem driver could still be autodetected as before.
Since I do not have an RCVxACx, I can't test Daniels patch. But at least
it breaks no other modem driver.
The only thing what I have forgotten:
I should have mentioned in the example voice.conf, that this new modem
driver could be forced with:
force_detect rockwell_rcvxacx

Andreas Barth
2007-02-02 06:27:15 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
Add to that a few sample scripts that can be turned on and off by setting
"chmod +x" (or such, like /usr/local/etc/rc/ scripts in FreeBSD), and
it should make many more users much more happy :-)
Well, I prefered to symlink them in to turn them on, but yes, that's the
idea. :)
Post by Gert Doering
NB: If you plan to do a full release, let me know - there is quite some
amount of changes pending on my side, and I need to do some cleanup and
do a release as well.
I'm currently more into planing "what features do I want to do for the
next release cycle", the current cycle is more or less done (except
fixing serious bugs of course). Of course, in case you have changes
done, I would upload them into the experimental branch, but nothing to


Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Juergen Kosel
2007-02-03 09:15:17 UTC
Hash: SHA1

Hello Andreas,
Post by Andreas Barth
I'm currently more into planing "what features do I want to do for the
next release cycle", the current cycle is more or less done (except
fixing serious bugs of course). Of course, in case you have changes
done, I would upload them into the experimental branch, but nothing to
concerning new features for the next release cycle:
Take a look into <mgetty-source>/frontends/www/.
With this frontend it is possible to send faxes and view received faxes
with apache + browser.
Access restriction needs to be done by the web-server (e.g. with
.htaccess files).
If you are interessted, I could provide you a configuration that already
works with Debian/Sarge. (The only thing which currently doesn't work is
downscalling of faxes.)

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Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Andreas Barth
2007-02-03 09:48:44 UTC
Post by Juergen Kosel
Hash: SHA1
Hello Andreas,
Post by Andreas Barth
I'm currently more into planing "what features do I want to do for the
next release cycle", the current cycle is more or less done (except
fixing serious bugs of course). Of course, in case you have changes
done, I would upload them into the experimental branch, but nothing to
Take a look into <mgetty-source>/frontends/www/.
With this frontend it is possible to send faxes and view received faxes
with apache + browser.
Access restriction needs to be done by the web-server (e.g. with
.htaccess files).
If you are interessted, I could provide you a configuration that already
works with Debian/Sarge. (The only thing which currently doesn't work is
downscalling of faxes.)
I'm interested - please send that as new bug report, or send it to me
after I finished the base setup. (I plan to setup as many of the
frontends as possible in a way that the local admin can symlink them in


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Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de