Enabling caller ID on a V253 modem
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David Given
2011-12-08 22:48:16 UTC
Anyone know if there's an easy way to cause my V253 modem to send caller
ID information?

The only reference I can find is an undated document describing how to
patch vgetty to enable caller ID on Zyxel modems. While the
Zyxel-specific stuff doesn't help me, it *does* say that vgetty doesn't
support custom init strings. Is this still the case? It's talking about
1.1.28, and I'm using 1.1.35:


The last time I used vgetty (on an Elsalink modem which now no longer
works) I think I didn't have to do any of this; this modem is obviously
┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────

│ "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by
│ stupidity." --- Nick Diamos (Hanlon's Razor)
Gert Doering
2011-12-09 08:11:12 UTC
Post by David Given
Anyone know if there's an easy way to cause my V253 modem to send caller
ID information?
The only reference I can find is an undated document describing how to
patch vgetty to enable caller ID on Zyxel modems. While the
Zyxel-specific stuff doesn't help me, it *does* say that vgetty doesn't
support custom init strings. Is this still the case? It's talking about
the mgetty init string is "carried over" to vgetty... (vgetty is based
on mgetty code, and runs the data/fax init first before adding the voice
bits). So if you know the command that tells your modem to enable
caller ID delivery, just add it to the mgetty init string and see what

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David Given
2011-12-09 21:34:08 UTC
On 09/12/11 08:11, Gert Doering wrote:
Post by Gert Doering
the mgetty init string is "carried over" to vgetty... (vgetty is based
on mgetty code, and runs the data/fax init first before adding the voice
bits). So if you know the command that tells your modem to enable
caller ID delivery, just add it to the mgetty init string and see what
Well, the standard V253 command to enable caller ID appears to be
AT+VCID=1. Which *is* being called, and the modem is happily saying OK.
I was hoping someone could suggest a *non* standard one...

However, I have noticed that I only seem to get about one RING every two
actual phone rings, so it's entirely possible that the ring detection
and caller ID stuff in the modem is buggered. I'd be surprised, though;
the Amstrad Emailer was sold as a answering machine, among other things,
so I'd expect it to support caller ID.

Anyway, good to know. Thanks.
┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────

│ "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by
│ stupidity." --- Nick Diamos (Hanlon's Razor)
