[mgetty] "new_fax"
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Not Here
2006-03-28 01:36:44 UTC
Is there a 'new_fax' script that creates multi-page TIFFs and works
under FC3
and FC4?

Kari Suomela

KARICO Business Services
Toronto, ON Canada

... I don't want it now, I want it RIGHT now!

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Gert Doering
2006-03-28 07:01:26 UTC
Post by Not Here
Is there a 'new_fax' script that creates multi-page TIFFs and works
under FC3
and FC4?
Please don't re-send questions again and again just because they have
not been answered yet.

If there is no answer, it is likely due to nobody having such a script -
and that's not going to improve if you send your question a third time.

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Not Here
2006-03-28 18:31:09 UTC
Post by Not Here
Is there a 'new_fax' script that creates multi-page TIFFs and works
under FC3 and FC4?
GD> Please don't re-send questions again and again just because they
GD> have
GD> not been answered yet.

Looked like the list wasn't working. This used to be a very active
list. Either mgetty is 100% perfect, or people aren't using it. I am.;)


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Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Gert Doering
2006-03-28 19:47:18 UTC
Post by Not Here
Post by Not Here
Is there a 'new_fax' script that creates multi-page TIFFs and works
under FC3 and FC4?
GD> Please don't re-send questions again and again just because they
GD> have
GD> not been answered yet.
Looked like the list wasn't working. This used to be a very active
list. Either mgetty is 100% perfect, or people aren't using it. I am.;)
It seems people are not using modem- or fax-related things so much these

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Barry Callahan
2006-03-28 19:52:25 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
Post by Not Here
Looked like the list wasn't working. This used to be a very active
list. Either mgetty is 100% perfect, or people aren't using it. I am.;)
It seems people are not using modem- or fax-related things so much these
Or that we have mgetty / vgetty set up in an environment that works
"good enough" for our needs, and we've quit tinkering with it for now,
and moved on to other projects.

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Not Here
2006-03-28 21:29:46 UTC
Tuesday March 28 2006 21:47, Gert Doering wrote to Not Here:

GD> It seems people are not using modem- or fax-related things so much
GD> these days...

In here (Canada) faxes still are a *must*, even though their use is

I will keep my tiny notebook with RH 7.3 as a 'fax machine' until it -
and faxes themselves become obsolete. ;)


Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Gert Doering
2006-03-29 07:35:19 UTC
Post by Not Here
GD> It seems people are not using modem- or fax-related things so much
GD> these days...
In here (Canada) faxes still are a *must*, even though their use is
Well, I can't claim that faxes are "gone" - but I see more and more
business stuff go via e-mail these days. Which means "less vendors
out there that sell high-quality fax modems", which is starting to be
a problem for some of my customers that still have high fax volumes.

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Calvin Leung
2006-03-29 18:08:33 UTC
Post by Not Here
Post by Not Here
Is there a 'new_fax' script that creates multi-page TIFFs and works
under FC3 and FC4?
GD> Please don't re-send questions again and again just because they
GD> have
GD> not been answered yet.
I dont' use multi-page TIFF but I use multi-page PDF. However, my mgetty
run on gentoo not you FC. The question is why your question is specify
to FC3 and FC4. Do you currently have a script with on older redhat?

Torben Pollmann
2006-03-31 06:16:18 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
Please don't re-send questions again and again just because they have
not been answered yet.
If there is no answer, it is likely due to nobody having such a script -
and that's not going to improve if you send your question a third time.
Hi dear Gert,

why do you keep wasting your time by writing this again and again?

You won't improve people's posts either.

Rather stick with us - and the lovely mgetty topics!!
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16 O 201/98).Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der uebermittelten persoenlichen
Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdruecklich untersagt!

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Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de