sendfax PANIC with many page fax
(too old to reply)
Cyril Spiro
2012-01-11 20:02:29 UTC
Sendfax is working well for us however every once in a while the ttyS0 will get locked and won’t unlock. The solution has been a reboot after a slew of failed faxes.

The fax log from the last incident shows that a 54 page fax was being sent and while sending page 16 sendfax timed out and went into panic mode. From that point on the ttyS0 was locked. See below.

Is there a limit on the number of pages sendfax can send? Is there a way to increase the timeout period? What would you suggest we do to fix this problem?

We are using Linux Red Hat 5 Enterprise Server. Thanks in advance for your help:

01/10 11:08:16 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FCLASS=0' <= To begin with we see a successful fax
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 removing lock file
01/10 11:08:16 sendfax: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10
01/10 11:08:16 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 21 2006, 09:39:24
01/10 11:08:16 sending fax to 18774947473
01/10 11:08:16 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1115022135071.01.g3
01/10 11:08:16 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:08:16 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:08:16 lock made
01/10 11:08:16 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
01/10 11:08:16 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 fax_open_device succeeded, ttyS0 -> 7
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 reading specific data for port 'ttyS0'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/sendfax.config...
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'verbose y'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'debug 5'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'fax-devices ttyS0'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'fax-id 4103495049'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'max-tries 3'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'max-tries-continue y'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'modem-init AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS0'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 section: port ttyS0, **found**
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 conf lib: read: 'modem-handshake AT&K4'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'fax-devices', type=1, flags=4, data=(ignored)
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'modem-init', type=1, flags=3, data=AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'modem-handshake', type=1, flags=3, data=AT&K4
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'modem-quirks', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'fax-send-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'fax-rec-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'max-tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'max-tries-continue', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'speed', type=0, flags=1, data=38400
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'open-delay', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'dial-prefix', type=1, flags=1, data=ATD
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=3, data=4103495049
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'poll-dir', type=1, flags=1, data=.
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'normal-res', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'fax-min-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=0
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'fax-max-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=14400
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'debug', type=0, flags=3, data=5
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'verbose', type=3, flags=2, data=TRUE
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: 'page-header', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 key: '', type=1, flags=1, data=
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATV1Q0'
01/10 11:08:16 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 fax_send: 'AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATI'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_gis: string 1: 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_identify: string 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 non-numeric ID string: 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLID="4103495049"'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FBOR=0'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT&K4'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 fax_send: 'ATD18774947473'
01/10 11:08:17 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:08:32 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FCON'
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FCSI: " BLM502-1"'
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 fax_id: '+FCSI: " BLM502-1"'
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FDIS: 1,5,0,2,1,0,0,0'
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 sendfax: IGNORE DCD (carrier) status
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1115022135071.01.g3") started...
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:08:34 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:08:42 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FDCS: 1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
01/10 11:08:42 yS0 transmission par.: '+FDCS: 1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
01/10 11:08:42 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:08:42 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:08:42 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:08:42 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1115022135071.01.g3...
01/10 11:09:02 yS0 page complete, 39627 bytes sent
01/10 11:09:02 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:09:02 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:09:05 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:09:05 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=2'
01/10 11:09:05 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:09:08 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:09:08 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:09:09 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FHNG: 0'
01/10 11:09:09 yS0 connection hangup: '+FHNG: 0'
01/10 11:09:09 yS0 (Normal and proper end of connection)
01/10 11:09:10 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:09:10 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FCLASS=0'
01/10 11:09:11 yS0 removing lock file
01/10 11:09:11 ##### success, phone="18774947473", dev=ttyS0, time=54s, pages=1(+0), bytes=39627, acct=""
01/10 11:20:02 sendfax: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10 <= Next is a fax that get’s no answer
01/10 11:20:02 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 21 2006, 09:39:24
01/10 11:20:02 sending fax to 14109692389
01/10 11:20:02 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022134817.01.g3
01/10 11:20:02 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:20:02 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:20:02 lock made
01/10 11:20:02 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
01/10 11:20:02 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 fax_open_device succeeded, ttyS0 -> 7
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 reading specific data for port 'ttyS0'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/sendfax.config...
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'verbose y'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'debug 5'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'fax-devices ttyS0'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'fax-id 4103495049'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'max-tries 3'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'max-tries-continue y'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'modem-init AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS0'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 section: port ttyS0, **found**
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 conf lib: read: 'modem-handshake AT&K4'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'fax-devices', type=1, flags=4, data=(ignored)
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'modem-init', type=1, flags=3, data=AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'modem-handshake', type=1, flags=3, data=AT&K4
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'modem-quirks', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'fax-send-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'fax-rec-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'max-tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'max-tries-continue', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'speed', type=0, flags=1, data=38400
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'open-delay', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'dial-prefix', type=1, flags=1, data=ATD
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=3, data=4103495049
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'poll-dir', type=1, flags=1, data=.
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'normal-res', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'fax-min-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=0
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'fax-max-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=14400
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'debug', type=0, flags=3, data=5
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'verbose', type=3, flags=2, data=TRUE
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: 'page-header', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 key: '', type=1, flags=1, data=
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATV1Q0'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 fax_send: 'AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATI'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_gis: string 1: 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_identify: string 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 non-numeric ID string: 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLID="4103495049"'
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:20:02 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
01/10 11:20:03 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:20:03 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FBOR=0'
01/10 11:20:03 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:20:03 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT&K4'
01/10 11:20:03 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:20:03 yS0 fax_send: 'ATD14109692389'
01/10 11:20:03 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:21:25 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FHNG: 11'
01/10 11:21:25 yS0 connection hangup: '+FHNG: 11'
01/10 11:21:25 yS0 (No Answer (T.30 T1 timeout))
01/10 11:21:26 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:21:26 ##### failed dialing, phone="14109692389", +FHS:11, dev=ttyS0, time=83s, acct=""
01/10 11:21:26 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FCLASS=0' <= Now we begin the 54 page fax
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 removing lock file
01/10 11:21:27 sendfax: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10
01/10 11:21:27 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 21 2006, 09:39:24
01/10 11:21:27 sending fax to 17137450948
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.01.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.02.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.03.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.04.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.05.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.06.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.07.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.08.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.09.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.10.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.11.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.12.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.13.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.14.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.15.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.16.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.17.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.18.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.19.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.20.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.21.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.22.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.23.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.24.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.25.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.26.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.27.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.28.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.29.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.30.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.31.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.32.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.33.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.34.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.35.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.36.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.37.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.38.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.39.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.40.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.41.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.42.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.43.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.44.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.45.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.46.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.47.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.48.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.49.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.50.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.51.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.52.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.53.g3
01/10 11:21:27 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.54.g3
01/10 11:21:27 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:21:27 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:21:27 lock made
01/10 11:21:27 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
01/10 11:21:27 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 fax_open_device succeeded, ttyS0 -> 7
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 reading specific data for port 'ttyS0'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/sendfax.config...
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'verbose y'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'debug 5'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'fax-devices ttyS0'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'fax-id 4103495049'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'max-tries 3'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'max-tries-continue y'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'modem-init AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS0'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 section: port ttyS0, **found**
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 conf lib: read: 'modem-handshake AT&K4'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'fax-devices', type=1, flags=4, data=(ignored)
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'modem-init', type=1, flags=3, data=AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'modem-handshake', type=1, flags=3, data=AT&K4
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'modem-quirks', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'fax-send-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'fax-rec-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'max-tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'max-tries-continue', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'speed', type=0, flags=1, data=38400
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'open-delay', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'dial-prefix', type=1, flags=1, data=ATD
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=3, data=4103495049
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'poll-dir', type=1, flags=1, data=.
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'normal-res', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'fax-min-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=0
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'fax-max-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=14400
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'debug', type=0, flags=3, data=5
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'verbose', type=3, flags=2, data=TRUE
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: 'page-header', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 key: '', type=1, flags=1, data=
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATV1Q0'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 fax_send: 'AT&FE0V1M0&C1&D2S0=0S37=9'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATI'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_gis: string 1: 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_identify: string 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 non-numeric ID string: 'MT5656ZDX'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLID="4103495049"'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
01/10 11:21:27 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:21:28 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FBOR=0'
01/10 11:21:28 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:21:28 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT&K4'
01/10 11:21:28 yS0 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
01/10 11:21:28 yS0 fax_send: 'ATD17137450948'
01/10 11:21:28 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:21:44 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FCON'
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FCSI: " FaxNow Answering"'
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 fax_id: '+FCSI: " FaxNow Answering"'
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FDIS: 1,5,0,2,1,0,0,0'
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 sendfax: IGNORE DCD (carrier) status
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.01.g3") started...
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:21:46 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:21:54 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FDCS: 1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
01/10 11:21:54 yS0 transmission par.: '+FDCS: 1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
01/10 11:21:54 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:21:54 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:21:54 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:21:54 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.01.g3...
01/10 11:22:11 yS0 page complete, 34376 bytes sent
01/10 11:22:11 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:22:11 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:22:14 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:22:14 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:22:14 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:22:17 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:22:17 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:22:17 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:22:17 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.02.g3") started...
01/10 11:22:17 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:22:17 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:22:17 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:22:18 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:22:18 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:22:18 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:22:18 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.02.g3...
01/10 11:22:52 yS0 page complete, 64575 bytes sent
01/10 11:22:52 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:22:52 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:22:54 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:22:54 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:22:54 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:22:57 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:22:57 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.03.g3") started...
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:22:58 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.03.g3...
01/10 11:23:31 yS0 page complete, 62803 bytes sent
01/10 11:23:31 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:23:31 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:23:34 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:23:34 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:23:34 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:23:37 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:23:37 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:23:37 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:23:37 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.04.g3") started...
01/10 11:23:37 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:23:37 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:23:37 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:23:38 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:23:38 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:23:38 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:23:38 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.04.g3...
01/10 11:23:44 yS0 page complete, 14182 bytes sent
01/10 11:23:44 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:23:44 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:23:47 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:23:47 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:23:47 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:23:50 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:23:50 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:23:50 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:23:50 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.05.g3") started...
01/10 11:23:50 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:23:50 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:23:50 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:23:51 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:23:51 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:23:51 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:23:51 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.05.g3...
01/10 11:24:18 yS0 page complete, 51522 bytes sent
01/10 11:24:18 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:24:18 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:24:20 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:24:20 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:24:20 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:24:23 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:24:23 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:24:23 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:24:23 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.06.g3") started...
01/10 11:24:23 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:24:23 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:24:23 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:24:24 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:24:24 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:24:24 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:24:24 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.06.g3...
01/10 11:24:29 yS0 page complete, 12408 bytes sent
01/10 11:24:29 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:24:29 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:24:32 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:24:32 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:24:32 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:24:35 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:24:35 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:24:35 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:24:35 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.07.g3") started...
01/10 11:24:35 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:24:35 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:24:35 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:24:36 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:24:36 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:24:36 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:24:36 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.07.g3...
01/10 11:25:08 yS0 page complete, 61650 bytes sent
01/10 11:25:08 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:25:08 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:25:10 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:25:10 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:25:10 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:25:14 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:25:14 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:25:14 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:25:14 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.08.g3") started...
01/10 11:25:14 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:25:14 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:25:14 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:25:15 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:25:15 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:25:15 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:25:15 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.08.g3...
01/10 11:25:44 yS0 page complete, 56176 bytes sent
01/10 11:25:44 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:25:44 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:25:46 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:25:46 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:25:46 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:25:50 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:25:50 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:25:50 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:25:50 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.09.g3") started...
01/10 11:25:50 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:25:50 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:25:50 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:25:51 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:25:51 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:25:51 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:25:51 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.09.g3...
01/10 11:25:55 yS0 page complete, 12416 bytes sent
01/10 11:25:55 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:25:55 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:25:58 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:25:58 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:25:58 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:26:01 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:26:01 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:26:01 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:26:01 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.10.g3") started...
01/10 11:26:01 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:26:01 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:26:01 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:26:02 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:26:02 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:26:02 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:26:02 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.10.g3...
01/10 11:26:27 yS0 page complete, 48095 bytes sent
01/10 11:26:27 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:26:27 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:26:29 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:26:29 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:26:29 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:26:33 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:26:33 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:26:33 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:26:33 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.11.g3") started...
01/10 11:26:33 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:26:33 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:26:33 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:26:34 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:26:34 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:26:34 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:26:34 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.11.g3...
01/10 11:26:38 yS0 page complete, 12411 bytes sent
01/10 11:26:38 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:26:38 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:26:41 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:26:41 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:26:41 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:26:44 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:26:44 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:26:44 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:26:44 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.12.g3") started...
01/10 11:26:44 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:26:44 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:26:44 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:26:45 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:26:45 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:26:45 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:26:45 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.12.g3...
01/10 11:27:04 yS0 page complete, 38019 bytes sent
01/10 11:27:04 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:27:04 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:27:07 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:27:07 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:27:07 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:27:10 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:27:10 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:27:10 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:27:10 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.13.g3") started...
01/10 11:27:10 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:27:10 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:27:10 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:27:11 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:27:11 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:27:11 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:27:11 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.13.g3...
01/10 11:27:37 yS0 page complete, 49774 bytes sent
01/10 11:27:37 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:27:37 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:27:39 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:27:39 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:27:39 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:27:42 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:27:42 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.14.g3") started...
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:27:43 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.14.g3...
01/10 11:27:48 yS0 page complete, 12417 bytes sent
01/10 11:27:48 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:27:48 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:27:51 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:27:51 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:27:51 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:27:54 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:27:54 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:27:54 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:27:54 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.15.g3") started...
01/10 11:27:54 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:27:54 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:27:54 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:27:55 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:27:55 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:27:55 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:27:55 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.15.g3...
01/10 11:28:07 yS0 page complete, 24913 bytes sent
01/10 11:28:07 yS0 sending DLE ETX...
01/10 11:28:07 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:28:09 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:28:10 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FET=0'
01/10 11:28:10 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
01/10 11:28:13 yS0 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1'
01/10 11:28:13 yS0 page status: +FPTS: 1
01/10 11:28:13 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
01/10 11:28:13 yS0 fax_send_page("/home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.16.g3") started...
01/10 11:28:13 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/10 11:28:13 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
01/10 11:28:13 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
01/10 11:28:14 yS0 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
01/10 11:28:14 yS0 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
01/10 11:28:14 yS0 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
01/10 11:28:14 yS0 sending /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1130022135103.16.g3...
01/10 11:28:57 yS0 fax_send: timeout <= Here suddenly the system time’s out
01/10 11:28:57 yS0 could not write all 64 bytes: Success
01/10 11:28:57 yS0 PANIC: timeout sending fax page data, trying force modem reset_: Success
01/10 11:28:59 yS0 removing lock file
01/10 11:30:01 sendfax: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10 <= From this point forward the ttyS0 is locked until server is reboot
01/10 11:30:01 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 21 2006, 09:39:24
01/10 11:30:01 sending fax to 14107988730
01/10 11:30:01 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1135012135116.01.g3
01/10 11:30:01 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:01 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:01 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6137)
01/10 11:30:06 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:06 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:06 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6137)
01/10 11:30:11 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:11 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:11 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6137)
01/10 11:30:11 cannot lock ttyS0
01/10 11:30:11 ##### failed: can't get modem (locked/permissions)
01/10 11:30:11 sendfax: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10
01/10 11:30:11 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 21 2006, 09:39:24
01/10 11:30:11 sending fax to 18554650030
01/10 11:30:11 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1135012134770.01.g3
01/10 11:30:11 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:11 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:11 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6137)
01/10 11:30:16 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:16 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:16 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6150)
01/10 11:30:21 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:21 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:21 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6150)
01/10 11:30:21 cannot lock ttyS0
01/10 11:30:21 ##### failed: can't get modem (locked/permissions)
01/10 11:30:21 sendfax: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10
01/10 11:30:21 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 21 2006, 09:39:24
01/10 11:30:21 sending fax to 14105731635
01/10 11:30:21 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1140022134764.01.g3
01/10 11:30:21 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:21 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:21 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6150)
01/10 11:30:26 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:26 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:26 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6150)
01/10 11:30:31 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:30:31 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:30:31 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6150)
01/10 11:30:31 cannot lock ttyS0
01/10 11:30:31 ##### failed: can't get modem (locked/permissions)
01/10 11:40:01 sendfax: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10
01/10 11:40:01 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 21 2006, 09:39:24
01/10 11:40:01 sending fax to 14107988730
01/10 11:40:01 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1150012135116.01.g3
01/10 11:40:01 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:40:01 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:40:01 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6200)
01/10 11:40:06 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:40:06 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:40:06 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6200)
01/10 11:40:11 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:40:11 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:40:11 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6209)
01/10 11:40:11 cannot lock ttyS0
01/10 11:40:11 ##### failed: can't get modem (locked/permissions)
01/10 11:40:11 sendfax: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10
01/10 11:40:11 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 21 2006, 09:39:24
01/10 11:40:11 sending fax to 18554650030
01/10 11:40:11 checking /home/aimdoc/public_html/pdfs/temp/1150012134770.01.g3
01/10 11:40:11 makelock(ttyS0) called
01/10 11:40:11 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
01/10 11:40:11 lock not made: lock file exists (pid=6209)

Gert Doering
2012-01-11 21:14:49 UTC
Sendfax is working well for us however every once in a while the ttyS0 will get locked and won?t unlock. The solution has been a reboot after a slew of failed faxes.
The fax log from the last incident shows that a 54 page fax was being sent and while sending page 16 sendfax timed out and went into panic mode. From that point on the ttyS0 was locked. See below.
That usually hints at a modem that locks up, and blocks the hardware
flow control line (RTS/CTS). Sendfax is then blocked trying to close
the tty line.
Is there a limit on the number of pages sendfax can send?
Is there a way to increase the timeout period?
The timeout period is not the problem here - if sendfax cannot write a
64 byte chunk to the modem in 30 seconds, things are game over anyway
(at 2400bps, 64 bytes get transferred in less than 1 second).

What you could do is recompile mgetty with "#define FAXSEND_FLOW FLOW_SOFT"
in policy.h - depending on why the system things the port is locked, this
can help (could be a bad serial cable or bad serial port, leading to
false flow control stops. Or a modem that just doesn't like hardware
flow control).

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Ignatios Souvatzis
2012-01-12 16:36:47 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
What you could do is recompile mgetty with "#define FAXSEND_FLOW FLOW_SOFT"
in policy.h - depending on why the system things the port is locked, this
can help (could be a bad serial cable or bad serial port, leading to
false flow control stops. Or a modem that just doesn't like hardware
flow control).
Bad serial cable - good hint. 95% of serial problems I've diagnosed on
own or other hardware have been either bad serial cable (less than "the"
8 wires connected) or hardware flow control not enabled on one of the

