How to record greetingmessages using vm?
(too old to reply)
2006-03-22 16:52:24 UTC

I tried to record a greeting message using vm without any success.
This is what I tried:
I plugged my telephone into the "phone" socket of my MT5634ZXPX-PCI-U
and used [as root] the command:
vm record -d 7 -x 6 -w /tmp/msg.rmd
This gave me the message:
Waiting to start recording. Please pick up local handset...
Which I did, of course, and I then heard the dial tone. After making
some moises and waiting for a while I gave up and used <ctrl>c. That
caused the mesage:
Phone wasn't picked up, exiting.
Probably I'm doing something wrong. Could somebody please educate me?
This method would be easier [and cheaper, I'm Dutch :)] than calling
in from outside.



jdh punt beekhuizen bij duinheks punt xs4all punt nl

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Juergen Kosel
2006-03-23 16:29:17 UTC
Post by l***@duinheks.xs4all.nl
I tried to record a greeting message using vm without any success.
I plugged my telephone into the "phone" socket of my MT5634ZXPX-PCI-U
vm record -d 7 -x 6 -w /tmp/msg.rmd
Waiting to start recording. Please pick up local handset...
Which I did, of course, and I then heard the dial tone. After making
some moises and waiting for a while I gave up and used <ctrl>c. That
Phone wasn't picked up, exiting.
Probably I'm doing something wrong. Could somebody please educate me?
This method would be easier [and cheaper, I'm Dutch :)] than calling
in from outside.
You didn't anything wrong. It just works only with expensive high end
hardware in this way.
For standard modem either the phone or the modem is connected to the
phone line.
Only for high end modems exist a usable connection between the phone and
the modem.

The cheapest way to record a greeting is to record it with a microphone
attached to the soundcard and something like sox.
Then use wavtopvf to convert into pvfformat.
And finally use pvftormd.

Homepage: http://people.freenet.de/Juergen-Kosel/
PGP-Key : http://people.freenet.de/Juergen-Kosel/passwd.pgp
Paul Fox
2006-03-23 17:14:38 UTC
Post by Juergen Kosel
The cheapest way to record a greeting is to record it with a microphone
attached to the soundcard and something like sox.
Then use wavtopvf to convert into pvfformat.
And finally use pvftormd.
that's what i've done, though actually i use festival to generate
my greeting messages. the other method is to call yourself,
record your greeting, take the resulting message file and move it
to the right place.

paul fox, ***@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 46.4 degrees)

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Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
2006-03-24 19:08:55 UTC
Hallo Juergen,
Post by l***@duinheks.xs4all.nl
I tried to record a greeting message using vm without any success.
Post by l***@duinheks.xs4all.nl
Probably I'm doing something wrong.
JK> You didn't anything wrong.

That's a relief :)

JK> It just works only with expensive high end hardware in this way.
JK> For standard modem either the phone or the modem is connected to
JK> the phone line. Only for high end modems exist a usable connection
JK> between the phone and the modem.

OK. So the MT5634 is not high end enough :) I'm quiite pleased with them

JK> The cheapest way to record a greeting is to record it with a microphone
JK> attached to the soundcard and something like sox.
JK> Then use wavtopvf to convert into pvfformat.
JK> And finally use pvftormd.

I will remember that for a next time. But first I will have to borrow or buy a
microphone. This time I phoned myself, recorded a message, trimmed it with
rezound, converted it and put it into the proper place. It wokrs fine.



jdh punt beekhuizen bij duinheks punt xs4all punt nl

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