Can anyone help get me started
(too old to reply)
Cyril Spiro
2007-06-28 21:06:22 UTC
I am a newbie to mgetty.

Trying to get it running. Will use PERL scripts to send and receive faxes.


Internal modem came with Dell server (only 2 years old) and is recognized by
Linux O/S.

Minicom config menu shows modem at /dev/ttyS1

mgetty & mgetty-faxsend both loaded on RedHat Linux 9 via up2date, loaded
version: 1.1.31-Jul24

Here is the inittab file:

# inittab This file describes how the INIT process should set up
# the system in a certain run-level.
# Author: Miquel van Smoorenburg, <***@drinkel.nl.mugnet.org>
# Modified for RHS Linux by Marc Ewing and Donnie Barnes

# Default runlevel. The runlevels used by RHS are:
# 0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
# 1 - Single user mode
# 2 - Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have
# 3 - Full multiuser mode
# 4 - unused
# 5 - X11
# 6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

# System initialization.

l0:0:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 0
l1:1:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 1
l2:2:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 2
l3:3:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 3
l4:4:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 4
l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5
l6:6:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 6

ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

# When our UPS tells us power has failed, assume we have a few minutes
# of power left. Schedule a shutdown for 2 minutes from now.
# This does, of course, assume you have powerd installed and your
# UPS connected and working correctly.
pf::powerfail:/sbin/shutdown -f -h +2 "Power Failure; System Shutting Down"

# If power was restored before the shutdown kicked in, cancel it.
pr:12345:powerokwait:/sbin/shutdown -c "Power Restored; Shutdown Cancelled"

# Run gettys in standard runlevels
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1
2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2
3:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty3
4:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty4
5:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty5
6:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty6
7:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty /dev/ttyS1

# Run xdm in runlevel 5
x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon

Excerpt from mgetty.log.ttyS1

06/27 14:42:46 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.31-Jul24
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 check for lockfiles
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 locking the line
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: TIOCMGET failed: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 WARNING: DSR is off - modem turned off or bad cable?
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 TIOCMBIC failed: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 cannot turn off soft carrier: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 tcgetattr failed: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 cannot get TIO: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 mg_init_device failed, trying again
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: TIOCMGET failed: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 WARNING: DSR is off - modem turned off or bad cable?
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 TIOCMBIC failed: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 cannot turn off soft carrier: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 tcgetattr failed: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 cannot get TIO: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 mg_init_device failed, exiting: Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1 cannot get terminal line dev=ttyS1, exiting:
Input/output error

Excerpt from sendfax.log

06/27 14:29:47 sendfax: experimental test release 1.1.31-Jul24
06/27 14:29:47 sendfax.c compiled at Aug 20 2004, 14:58:30
06/27 14:29:47 sending fax to 8069933330
06/27 14:29:47 checking /tmp/fax.g3.1
06/27 14:29:47 makelock(modem) called
06/27 14:29:47 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..modem'
06/27 14:29:47 lock made
06/27 14:29:47 error opening /dev/modem: No such file or directory
06/27 14:29:47 removing lock file
06/27 14:29:47 ##### failed: can't get modem (locked/permissions)

Can anyone help in explaining how I can overcome these problems.


Wouter van Marle
2007-06-29 00:02:56 UTC
Post by Cyril Spiro
I am a newbie to mgetty.
Trying to get it running.  Will use PERL scripts to send and receive
Internal modem came with Dell server (only 2 years old) and is
recognized by Linux O/S.
Minicom config menu shows modem at /dev/ttyS1
Can you make calls using minicom? Try something like ATDT123 and see
whether the modem actually responds to that command. If not, you have a
driver problem.
Post by Cyril Spiro
mgetty & mgetty-faxsend both loaded on RedHat Linux 9 via up2date,
loaded version: 1.1.31-Jul24
You will want to add a line to start faxrunqd as well in the inittab,
to automatically send out queued faxes. My modem is at /dev/ttyS0, and
I have in the inittab these lines. Modem answers after four rings,
speed 38400.

FaxR:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -s 38400 -n 4 ttyS0
Post by Cyril Spiro
Excerpt from mgetty.log.ttyS1
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.31-Jul24
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  check for lockfiles
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  locking the line
Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  WARNING: DSR is off - modem turned off or bad
I'd guess wrong port setting or driver problem. Try inittab without the
/dev/, like in my example above.
Post by Cyril Spiro
Excerpt from sendfax.log
06/27 14:29:47  sendfax: experimental test release 1.1.31-Jul24
06/27 14:29:47  error opening /dev/modem: No such file or directory
Check you sendfax.config: wrong modem port setting.
Note that sendfax and mgetty have separate port settings; you could use
them on different modems if you have more than one. So set them both!


Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Gert Doering
2007-06-29 08:57:50 UTC
Post by Wouter van Marle
Post by Cyril Spiro
Internal modem came with Dell server (only 2 years old) and is
recognized by Linux O/S.
Minicom config menu shows modem at /dev/ttyS1
Minicom config doesn't really say anything about "is the modem really there".

What does the kernel messages say about it (how do you know that the
modem is "recognized by Linux O/S")?
Post by Wouter van Marle
Post by Cyril Spiro
Excerpt from mgetty.log.ttyS1
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.31-Jul24
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  check for lockfiles
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  locking the line
Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  WARNING: DSR is off - modem turned off or bad
I'd guess wrong port setting or driver problem. Try inittab without the
/dev/, like in my example above.
/dev/ is optional, and mgetty will handle with and without just fine.

I'd say "there is nothing on /dev/ttyS1, or if it is, it's not handling
the necessary ioctl() calls very well".

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Cyril Spiro
2007-06-29 15:36:52 UTC

Gert, you were right. What I mistook for O/S recognition of the modem was
that the modem was recognized by the Dell server and not the O/S.

So, I installed the appropriate modem driver for the Linux RedHat Kernel and
now the modem indicates a status of 'configured' in the Network
Configuration menu (GUI).

However the exact same errors are occurring in the logs.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gert Doering [mailto:***@greenie.muc.de]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 4:58 AM
To: Wouter van Marle
Cc: Cyril Spiro; ***@muc.de
Subject: Re: Can anyone help get me started

Post by Wouter van Marle
Post by Cyril Spiro
Internal modem came with Dell server (only 2 years old) and is
recognized by Linux O/S.
Minicom config menu shows modem at /dev/ttyS1
Minicom config doesn't really say anything about "is the modem really

What does the kernel messages say about it (how do you know that the
modem is "recognized by Linux O/S")?
Post by Wouter van Marle
Post by Cyril Spiro
Excerpt from mgetty.log.ttyS1
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.31-Jul24
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  check for lockfiles
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  locking the line
Input/output error
06/27 14:42:46 yS1  WARNING: DSR is off - modem turned off or bad
I'd guess wrong port setting or driver problem. Try inittab without the
/dev/, like in my example above.
/dev/ is optional, and mgetty will handle with and without just fine.

I'd say "there is nothing on /dev/ttyS1, or if it is, it's not handling
the necessary ioctl() calls very well".

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de