mgetty fails to accept faxes
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Tomas Mazukna
2009-09-15 03:15:25 UTC

here is the sittuation:

Ubuntu 9.04 server. mgetty 1.1.36
mgetty log:
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 select returned 1
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 checking lockfiles, locking the line
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 makelock(ttyS0) called
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 lock made
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 wfr: waiting for ``RING''
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 got: [0a][0d][0a]RING[0d]
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 CND: RING
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 wfr: rc=0, drn=0
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 CND: check no: 'none'
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 send: ATA[0d]
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 waiting for ``CONNECT''
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 got: ATA[0d]
09/14 22:52:28 yS0 CND: OKATA[0d][0a]+FHS:
09/14 22:53:09 yS0 found action string: ``+FHS:''
09/14 22:53:09 ##### failed A_FAIL dev=ttyS0, pid=6652, caller='none',
conn='', name=''

debug 4

# set the local fax station id
fax-id 770-xxx-xxxx
# access the modem(s) with 38400 bps
#speed 38400
speed 19200

issue-file /etc/issue.mgetty

port ttyS0
debug 9
# data-only y
fax-only y
modem-type c2.0
init-chat "" ATQ0V1H0 OK ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1 OK AT#CID=1 OK
answer-chat "" ATA CONNECT \c \r


Modem is USR Courier.....

I cant figure out why mgetty would not go to receive fax when seeing FHS
googled all evening and nothing....

please HELP.

Gert Doering
2009-09-15 21:02:35 UTC
Post by Tomas Mazukna
I cant figure out why mgetty would not go to receive fax when seeing FHS
+FHS is "fax hangup status". so your modem was not able to negotiate
a fax reception with the sending side.

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