Post by UnruhI assume you mean mgetty.ttySx log file.
No... I mean the vgetty.ttySx log file. I am using vgetty witch is
suppose to switch to mgetty when I send the DTMF 'D' Tone and it forces
it to mgetty in data mode. The mgetty.log.ttySx file remains empty
throughout the connection process.
Post by UnruhIf the modems cannot connect then it has nothing to do with ppp, mgetty or
any other software. It is a problem with the hardware and you need to
figure that out first.
I have tried configuring the port speeds for the server-side
(mgetty.conf/voice.conf) and client-side modems to connect at 38400. I
have also tried forcing both modems to v.34 by using appropriate init
strings for each. It still results in the same out come.
Post by UnruhSo, on ring, mgetty does answer the modem?
Yes... It does answer the modem with vgetty and the DTMF 'D' Tone
switchs it from expecting 'OK|VCON' to 'CONNECT'. Then the modems try
to negotiate a connection, but the server eventually fails with 'NO
CARRIER' and the client disconnects.
Post by UnruhIf you could post the whole of
the mgetty log it might help. And especially increase the logging of the
mgetty. Insert debug 5 into the section of /etc/mgetty*/mgetty.config
which deals with that serial port.
Or make the line in the file in general state
debug 5
(Look for lines which have debug in them)
I increased the log level to 5.
Post by UnruhThen post the line from /etc/mgetty*/login.config
Here's the AutoPPP line from my login.config file:
/AutoPPP/ - a_ppp /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login debug
Here's the vgetty.ttySx log (mgetty.log.ttySx was empty) after the
unsuccessful negotiation:
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 vgetty: experimental test release 0.9.33 / 26Dec02
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.30-Dec16
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 reading generic configuration from config file
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 reading program vgetty configuration from config
file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 found CT_KEYWORD part generic
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 5'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell_log
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_owner uucp'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_group uucp'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_mode 0660'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /usr/bin/perl'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 10'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 100'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 5'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 1500'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'receive_gain 100%'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'transmit_gain 100%'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'poll_interval 10'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 section: program vgetty, **found**
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rings 3'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 0'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep true'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'call_program
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_program
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_report_delay 15'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 section: program vm, ignore
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ringback_goes_away 70'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ringback_never_came 100'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 section: program pvf, ignore
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring2'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_shell_log', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=10
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'poll_interval', type=0, flags=3, data=10
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'forceV253', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=3, data=3
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=1,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'phone_owner', type=1, flags=3, data=uucp
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'phone_group', type=1, flags=3, data=uucp
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'phone_mode', type=0, flags=3, data=432
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'pre_message', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'beepsound', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=1500
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=90
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ringback_goes_away', type=0, flags=1,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ringback_never_came', type=0, flags=1,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ring_report_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=15
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'force_detect', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 reading port ttyS4 configuration from config file
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 found CT_KEYWORD part generic
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 5'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell_log
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_owner uucp'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_group uucp'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_mode 0660'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /usr/bin/perl'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 10'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 100'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 5'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 1500'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'receive_gain 100%'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'transmit_gain 100%'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'poll_interval 10'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rings 3'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 0'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep true'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'call_program
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_program
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_report_delay 15'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ringback_goes_away 70'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ringback_never_came 100'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 section: port ttyS4, **found**
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 found CT_KEYWORD ring_type virtual
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring2'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_shell_log', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=10
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'poll_interval', type=0, flags=3, data=10
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'forceV253', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=3, data=3
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=1,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'phone_owner', type=1, flags=3, data=uucp
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'phone_group', type=1, flags=3, data=uucp
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'phone_mode', type=0, flags=3, data=432
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'pre_message', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'beepsound', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=1500
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=90
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ringback_goes_away', type=0, flags=1,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ringback_never_came', type=0, flags=1,
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'ring_report_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=15
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 key: 'force_detect', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 check for lockfiles
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 checklock: stat failed, no file
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 locking the line
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 makelock(ttyS4) called
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:19 yS4 lock made
10/27 13:16:20 yS4 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
10/27 13:16:20 yS4 lowering DTR to reset Modem
10/27 13:16:20 yS4 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
10/27 13:16:20 yS4 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
10/27 13:16:20 yS4 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 waiting for ``OK''
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 got: [0d][0a]OK ** found **
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 send: ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 waiting for ``OK''
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 got: [0d][0a][0d][0a]OK ** found **
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 mdm_send: 'ATI'
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 mdm_gis: string 1: '5601'
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 mdm_identify: string '5601'
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 USR Courier/Sportster 56k detected
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 mdm_send: 'ATI3'
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 mdm_gis: string 1: 'U.S. Robotics 56K Voice INT
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 additional info: 'U.S. Robotics 56K Voice INT
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
10/27 13:16:21 yS4 mdm_send: 'AT+FAA=1;+FCR=1'
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_send: 'AT+FBO=1'
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_send: 'AT+FNR=1,1,1,0'
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_send: 'AT+FLI="801-771-0410"'
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
10/27 13:16:22 yS4 detecting voice modem type
10/27 13:16:23 yS4 voice command: 'ATI9' -> ''
10/27 13:16:23 yS4 PNP String: 'USR3070\\Modem\PNPC10F\U.S. Robotics
56K Voice INT)FF'
10/27 13:16:23 yS4 voice command: 'ATI3' -> ''
10/27 13:16:23 yS4 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
10/27 13:16:23 yS4 US Robotics detected
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 vgetty: entering voice mode
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 vgetty: Installing signal handlers
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 voice command: 'AT#CLS?' -> ''
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 voice command: '' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 voice command: 'AT#CLS=8' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 voice command: 'AT' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 voice command:
'AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F#VSD=1#VSS=2#VSP=70#VRA=70#VRN=100' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 US Robotics voice modem
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 This is a driver beta version. V0.4.b3
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 voice command: 'AT&H1&R2&I0' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
10/27 13:16:24 yS4 voice command: 'AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 VTD setup successful
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 voice command: 'AT#VSD=1#VSS=2#VSP=70' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 voice command: 'AT#VRA=70#VRN=100' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 vgetty: leaving voice mode
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 voice command: 'AT#CLS=2.0' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 voice command: 'AT' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 vgetty: Restoring signal handlers
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 running post_init_chat
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 send: ATS41=1#CID=1[0d]
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 waiting for ``OK''
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 got: [0d][0a]OK ** found **
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a]
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 removing lock file
10/27 13:16:25 yS4 waiting...
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 checking lockfiles, locking the line
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 makelock(ttyS4) called
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 lock made
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 wfr: waiting for ``RING''
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 got: [0a][0d][0a]RING B[0d]
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 wfr: rc=0, drn=2
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 wfr: waiting for ``RING''
10/27 13:16:45 yS4 got: [0a][0d][0a]NAME =
10/27 13:16:47 yS4 got: 8LM[c2][aa][8a][ba][a2][ca][07][0f][0d]
10/27 13:16:47 yS4 CND: ELink caller ID: '8'
10/27 13:16:47 yS4 got: [0a][0d][0a]RING B[0d]
10/27 13:16:52 yS4 wfr: rc=0, drn=2
10/27 13:16:52 yS4 wfr: waiting for ``RING''
10/27 13:16:52 yS4 got: [0a][0d][0a]RING B[0d]
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 wfr: rc=0, drn=2
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 CND: program "/etc/mgetty+sendfax/
ttyS4 '8' ' ' 2 '' >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/null"
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 CND: rc=0x0
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 setenv: 'CALLER_ID=8'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 setenv: 'CALLER_NAME= '
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 setenv: 'CONNECT='
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 setenv: 'DEVICE=ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 reading ring_type ring2 configuration from config
file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 found CT_KEYWORD part generic
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 5'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell_log
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_owner uucp'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_group uucp'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'phone_mode 0660'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /usr/bin/perl'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 10'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 100'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 5'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 1500'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'receive_gain 100%'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'transmit_gain 100%'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo false'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'poll_interval 10'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rings 3'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 0'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep true'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'call_program
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'message_program
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_report_delay 15'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ringback_goes_away 70'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ringback_never_came 100'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS4'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 section: ring_type virtual, ignore
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring2'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 section: ring_type ring2, **found**
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'voice_shell_log', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=10
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=100
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'poll_interval', type=0, flags=3, data=10
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'forceV253', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=3, data=3
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=3, data=0
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'phone_owner', type=1, flags=3, data=uucp
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'phone_group', type=1, flags=3, data=uucp
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'phone_mode', type=0, flags=3, data=432
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=3,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'pre_message', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'beepsound', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=1500
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=90
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'ringback_goes_away', type=0, flags=1,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'ringback_never_came', type=0, flags=1,
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'ring_report_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=15
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 key: 'force_detect', type=1, flags=1, data=
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 vgetty: entering voice mode
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 vgetty: Installing signal handlers
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 voice command: 'AT#CLS?' -> ''
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 voice command: '' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 voice command: 'AT#CLS=8' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 voice command: 'AT' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 voice command:
'AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F#VSD=1#VSS=2#VSP=70#VRA=70#VRN=100' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 voice command: 'AT#VLS=0A' -> 'VCON'
10/27 13:16:58 yS4 voice command: 'AT#VLS=0' -> 'OK|VCON'
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty: Executing shell script
/usr/local/vocp/bin/ with shell /usr/bin/perl
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty(0): HELLO SHELL
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 shell(1): HELLO VOICE PROGRAM
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty(1): READY
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty: initialized communication
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 shell(1): DEVICE DIALUP_LINE
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 voice command: 'AT#VLS=0' -> 'OK|VCON'
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty(1): READY
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 shell(1): AUTOSTOP ON
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty(1): READY
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 shell(1): ENABLE EVENTS
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty(1): READY
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 shell(1): PLAY /var/spool/voice/messages/root.rmd
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty(1): PLAYING
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 playing voice file
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty: raw modem data header found
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty: modem type US Robotics found
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 vgetty: compression method 0x0001, speed 8000,
bits 8
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 voice command: 'AT' -> 'OK|VCON'
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
10/27 13:16:59 yS4 voice command: 'ATE0#VTX' -> 'CONNECT'
10/27 13:17:00 yS4 vgetty(1): RECEIVED_DTMF
10/27 13:17:00 yS4 vgetty(1): D
10/27 13:17:00 yS4 voice command: '' -> 'OK|VCON'
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 voice command: 'AT' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 vgetty(1): READY
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 vgetty: Got child -1 exit status -1 signal
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 vgetty: shell exited normally with status 0x0001
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 voice command: 'AT#CLS=2.0' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 voice command: 'AT' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 voice command: 'AT+FCLASS=0' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 voice command: 'AT+FAA=0' -> 'OK'
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 vgetty: Restoring signal handlers
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 send: ATA[0d]
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 waiting for ``CONNECT''
10/27 13:17:01 yS4 got: [0d][0a]NO CARRIER
10/27 13:17:43 yS4 found action string: ``NO CARRIER''
10/27 13:17:43 ##### failed A_FAIL dev=ttyS4, pid=24045, caller='8',
conn='', name=' '
Voice and Fax works great! I just can't seem to get Data Connections
to work.
Thank you for your assistance.