Is anyone still here?
(too old to reply)
David Given
2011-12-03 10:43:41 UTC
Is this newsgroup still alive? mgetty/vgetty appear to have been
abandoned for years, which is a shame as they seem to be the only Unix
voicemail software around. I have some questions and pvf/rmd files...
┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────

│ "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by
│ stupidity." --- Nick Diamos (Hanlon's Razor)
Sabine Baer
2011-12-03 15:10:04 UTC
Post by David Given
Is this newsgroup still alive?
It's not a newsgroup but a mirrored mailing list.
It's silent as well.

also mailed to the list
Wir sind alle der Gnade eines herabfallenden Dachziegels ausgeliefert.
Uns bleibt nur das Bild Jupiters, wie er umhergeht und Dachziegel
lockert, die dann auf einen Limonadeverkaeufer oder auf Caesar fallen.
(Thornton Wilder, Die Iden des Maerz)
Edmund H. Ramm
2011-12-03 21:15:43 UTC
Post by Sabine Baer
It's not a newsgroup but a mirrored mailing list.
It's silent as well.
That's because mgetty is running so well.

Eddi ._._.
"Do whatever you want as long as you're not destroying somebody else's
words." (Tim Skirvin) - e-mail: dk3uz AT arrl DOT net
Sabine Baer
2011-12-03 15:10:55 UTC
Post by David Given
Is this newsgroup still alive?
It's not a newsgroup but a mirrored mailing list.
It's silent as well.

also posted to the NG directedly

Wir sind alle der Gnade eines herabfallenden Dachziegels ausgeliefert.
Uns bleibt nur das Bild Jupiters, wie er umhergeht und Dachziegel
lockert, die dann auf einen Limonadeverkaeufer oder auf Caesar fallen.
(Thornton Wilder, Die Iden des Maerz)
"Vielleicht", sagte Pu. "Manchmal ist es eins, und manchmal ist es
keins. Bei Fusspuren kann man nie wissen."
(A. A. Milne, Pu der Bär)

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Donald Russell
2011-12-03 15:43:58 UTC
Dave's not here, man.
Post by Sabine Baer
Post by David Given
Is this newsgroup still alive?
It's not a newsgroup but a mirrored mailing list.
It's silent as well.
also posted to the NG directedly
Wir sind alle der Gnade eines herabfallenden Dachziegels ausgeliefert.
Uns bleibt nur das Bild Jupiters, wie er umhergeht und Dachziegel
lockert, die dann auf einen Limonadeverkaeufer oder auf Caesar fallen.
(Thornton Wilder, Die Iden des Maerz)
"Vielleicht", sagte Pu. "Manchmal ist es eins, und manchmal ist es
keins. Bei Fusspuren kann man nie wissen."
(A. A. Milne, Pu der BÀr)
Gert Doering
2011-12-03 15:29:30 UTC
Post by David Given
Is this newsgroup still alive? mgetty/vgetty appear to have been
abandoned for years, which is a shame as they seem to be the only Unix
voicemail software around. I have some questions and pvf/rmd files...
Well, mgetty is still maintained, and I do make sure that the vgetty
bits compile - other than that, indeed, the voice side has no active

OTOH, if actual vgetty questions show up on the mgetty mailing list
(which should be gatewayed here, and back, but possibly the gateway
is broken) usually someone shows up and answers :-)

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
David Given
2011-12-04 23:02:19 UTC
On 03/12/11 15:29, Gert Doering wrote:
Post by Gert Doering
OTOH, if actual vgetty questions show up on the mgetty mailing list
(which should be gatewayed here, and back, but possibly the gateway
is broken) usually someone shows up and answers :-)


I have an Amstrad emailer, a slightly exotic ARM-based telephone running
Linux. It's been repurposed with Debian. The emailer has an integrated
Conexant modem. (Not a winmodem, it's a real modem-on-a-chip hooked up
to one of the internal UARTs.) vm diagnostics detects it as:

ATI3 --> CX81802-V90
ATI6 --> RCV56DPF-PLL L8773A Rev 62.01/62.01

vgetty incorrectly detects this as a Rockwell modem and uses the wrong
command set, and gets thoroughly confused; actually, it's a V253 modem
(and specifying 'forceV253 TRUE' makes it all work).

Currently I have it working fine as an answering machine; the modem's
rmd files can be converted to pvf and then to PCM without any problem.
Unfortunately, I can't do the conversion the other way round without
producing mangled output. Trial and error shows that the format
'V253modem 9' is the least bad, but despite many attempts there's always
something wrong with the sample rate. (I suspect the sample rate is
*changing* during playback.)

Looking at the rmd files that vgetty is producing from the modem is
instructive; file says:

v-1441-1322736759.rmd: raw modem data (V253modem /


rmdfile says:

v-1441-1322736759.rmd: RMD1
modem type is: "V253modem"
compression method: 0x0000
sample speed: 8000
bits per sample: 8

Is compression type 0 valid? rmdtopvf manages to decode it all right,
whatever it is...

The only other oddity I can find is that if I convert one of these rmd
files to wav, then sox reports it as having an average bitrate of
64.0kbps, while a synthesised wav file with *identical sample rate and
sample size* is reported as 64.2kbps. I have no idea if this is relevant
or not.

I've verified that using vm play to play back a recorded message works
fine, so it's capable of playing back its own files. I've tried
recording a message off the handset, but I can't figure out how to get
vm record to *stop* recording; my next step is to leave a message to
myself and then try to trim it to fit without changing the format, somehow.

Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Any suggestions on what else
I could try? It all so nearly works that it would be a shame to give up
now; if only I could get the answerphone message to work properly...

On the plus side, as it stands, the answerphone message is deeply
confusing telesales cold callers. So it's not all bad.
┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────

│ "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by
│ stupidity." --- Nick Diamos (Hanlon's Razor)
Edmund H. Ramm
2011-12-03 21:13:36 UTC
Post by David Given
Is this newsgroup still alive?
You bet.
Post by David Given
mgetty/vgetty appear to have been abandoned for years,
Appearances appear to be misleading.
Post by David Given
I have some questions and pvf/rmd files...
You might have asked them right away.

Eddi ._._.
"Do whatever you want as long as you're not destroying somebody else's
words." (Tim Skirvin) - e-mail: dk3uz AT arrl DOT net
Ivan Shmakov
2011-12-04 17:27:14 UTC
Is this newsgroup still alive? mgetty/vgetty appear to have been
abandoned for years, which is a shame as they seem to be the only
Unix voicemail software around. I have some questions and pvf/rmd
I'm rather concerned that the mgetty package for Debian [1]
appears to have no active maintainer. At the very least, it
seems to have something like six unacknowledged NMU's over the
last three years. I've tried to ping the maintainer with [2],
but didn't receive a reply so far.

Packaging new mgetty (1.1.37) for Debian is in my TODO list
(though not a priority item), but I'm not a D-D myself, and know
of no D-D that could be interested in uploading my package into
the archive.

[1] http://packages.debian.org/sid/mgetty
[2] http://bugs.debian.org/647761
FSF associate member #7257
Andreas Barth
2011-12-04 18:50:20 UTC
Post by Ivan Shmakov
Is this newsgroup still alive? mgetty/vgetty appear to have been
abandoned for years, which is a shame as they seem to be the only
Unix voicemail software around. I have some questions and pvf/rmd
I'm rather concerned that the mgetty package for Debian [1]
appears to have no active maintainer. At the very least, it
seems to have something like six unacknowledged NMU's over the
last three years. I've tried to ping the maintainer with [2],
but didn't receive a reply so far.
The NMUs are acked, some even where approved before doing them.
However, I'm on the "please NMU my packages as long as it's improving
the package"-list, so that has never been an item of concern to me.

And a bug report "logrotate is unnecessary for mgetty" is a wishlist
item, not "pinging the maintainer". (And if you would have written
mail to me, or looked at debian lists, you might have noticed I'm
still active.)

Ivan Shmakov
2011-12-05 06:55:37 UTC
Post by Andreas Barth
I'm rather concerned that the mgetty package for Debian [1] appears
to have no active maintainer. At the very least, it seems to have
something like six unacknowledged NMU's over the last three years.
I've tried to ping the maintainer with [2], but didn't receive a
reply so far.
The NMUs are acked, some even where approved before doing them.
However, I'm on the "please NMU my packages as long as it's improving
the package"-list, so that has never been an item of concern to me.
ACK, I wasn't aware of this.

Nevertheless, no maintainer's upload for the package has taken
place in the last three years or so, and neither the latest
version of mgetty (1.1.37) is packaged for Debian.
Post by Andreas Barth
And a bug report "logrotate is unnecessary for mgetty" is a wishlist
item, not "pinging the maintainer". (And if you would have written
mail to me, or looked at debian lists, you might have noticed I'm
still active.)
Indeed, I stand corrected.
FSF associate member #7257
Ignatios Souvatzis
2011-12-09 14:03:28 UTC
Post by David Given
Is this newsgroup still alive?
Post by David Given
mgetty/vgetty appear to have been abandoned for years,

seal your e-mail: http://www.gnupg.org/