vgetty : pause before start playing message
(too old to reply)
2006-11-17 15:22:42 UTC

I try to use vgetty. I want to dial a phone number and playing a message
. The message.sh script do that. All is correct, but there is a pause
just before playing message. This delay is about 5-15 seconds, but it is
too long.

How can I fix it ?


The vm.log says :

11/17 16:21:12 vgetty: experimental test release 0.9.32 / with duplex patch
11/17 16:21:12 reading program vm configuration from config file
11/17 16:21:12 opening voice modem device
11/17 16:21:12 opened voice modem device /dev/ttyS0
11/17 16:21:12 reading port ttyS0 configuration from config file
11/17 16:21:12 detecting voice modem type
11/17 16:21:13 PNP: found modem: U.S. Robotics 56k Message
11/17 16:21:15 US Robotics voice modem
11/17 16:21:15 This is a driver beta version. V0.4.b3
11/17 16:21:15 VTD setup successful
11/17 16:21:17 vm: Executing shell script ./message.sh with shell /bin/sh
11/17 16:21:36 playing voice file SonOK.rmd
11/17 16:21:37 vm: Got child -1 exit status -1 signal
11/17 16:21:38 closing voice modem device

Juergen Kosel
2006-11-18 10:48:01 UTC
Post by Pascal
I try to use vgetty. I want to dial a phone number and playing a message
. The message.sh script do that. All is correct, but there is a pause
just before playing message. This delay is about 5-15 seconds, but it is
too long.
How can I fix it ?
the usual problem for sending voice messages is, that vm needs to know
that the called party has picked up the phone.
So if there is no pause, it could be that know human ever hears your

Search in the voice.conf file for ringback an the explanation.

2006-11-20 09:00:08 UTC
Post by Pascal
Post by Pascal
I try to use vgetty. I want to dial a phone number and playing a
message . The message.sh script do that. All is correct, but there is
a pause just before playing message. This delay is about 5-15 seconds,
but it is too long.
How can I fix it ?
the usual problem for sending voice messages is, that vm needs to know
that the called party has picked up the phone.
So if there is no pause, it could be that know human ever hears your
Search in the voice.conf file for ringback an the explanation.

Thanks for your answer.
The default value for ringback_goes_away is 70. When I put a small
value (20) the message starts even the called party has not picked the
phone up.
I would like to detect when the called party pick up. Do you think it is
impossible ?

If vgetty is not able to do that, what soft can I use instead ?

Juergen Kosel
2006-11-22 17:09:30 UTC
This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 2440 and 3156)
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Post by Pascal
Post by Pascal
Search in the voice.conf file for ringback an the explanation.
The default value for ringback_goes_away is 70. When I put a small=20
value (20) the message starts even the called party has not picked the=
Post by Pascal
phone up.
I would like to detect when the called party pick up. Do you think it =
is impossible ?
Call a number and measure the time between two ringback tones.
Use this values (in 1/10seconds) as ringback_goes_away setting.
I have always the same problem. Finally, I have stored 20 in=20
ringback_goes_away and I have recorded a message in loop. The message=20
start playing when the phone rings. So the called party can hear the=20
message without delay. But it is not a good solution ...
now you know that the default value 70 is to large and 20 is to small.
You need to try with the values between 20 and 70.


Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc"

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


2006-11-23 15:25:13 UTC
Post by Juergen Kosel
This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 2440 and 3156)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Post by Pascal
Post by Pascal
Search in the voice.conf file for ringback an the explanation.
The default value for ringback_goes_away is 70. When I put a small=20
value (20) the message starts even the called party has not picked the=
Post by Pascal
phone up.
I would like to detect when the called party pick up. Do you think it =
is impossible ?
Call a number and measure the time between two ringback tones.
Use this values (in 1/10seconds) as ringback_goes_away setting.
I have always the same problem. Finally, I have stored 20 in=20
ringback_goes_away and I have recorded a message in loop. The message=20
start playing when the phone rings. So the called party can hear the=20
message without delay. But it is not a good solution ...
now you know that the default value 70 is to large and 20 is to small.
You need to try with the values between 20 and 70.
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
The real value is 35 (given by France Telecom). But this value or
another change nothing ... I don't understand... Perhaps there is an
other mistake in the voice.conf file ?


Paul Fox
2006-11-18 13:46:43 UTC
Post by Juergen Kosel
Post by Pascal
I try to use vgetty. I want to dial a phone number and playing a message
. The message.sh script do that. All is correct, but there is a pause
just before playing message. This delay is about 5-15 seconds, but it is
too long.
How can I fix it ?
the usual problem for sending voice messages is, that vm needs to know
that the called party has picked up the phone.
So if there is no pause, it could be that know human ever hears your
besides, if your users are expecting to receive an automated message,
then a small delay is probably okay, since it's a message that they
want to hear.

if your users aren't expecting to receive an automated message, then
shame on you. ;-)

paul fox, ***@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 39.9 degrees)

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Juergen Kosel
2006-11-20 16:26:07 UTC
Post by Pascal
Post by Pascal
Search in the voice.conf file for ringback an the explanation.
The default value for ringback_goes_away is 70. When I put a small
value (20) the message starts even the called party has not picked the
phone up.
I would like to detect when the called party pick up. Do you think it is
impossible ?
Call a number and measure the time between two ringback tones.
Use this values (in 1/10seconds) as ringback_goes_away setting.
Post by Pascal
If vgetty is not able to do that, what soft can I use instead ?
The problem is, that your modem needs to detect that the other party has
picked up.
For ISDN this is signalled through the D-channel. But for analog phone
line the ringback tone needs to be observed.

2006-11-20 17:34:33 UTC
Post by Pascal
Post by Pascal
Post by Pascal
Search in the voice.conf file for ringback an the explanation.
The default value for ringback_goes_away is 70. When I put a small
value (20) the message starts even the called party has not picked the
phone up.
I would like to detect when the called party pick up. Do you think it
is impossible ?
Call a number and measure the time between two ringback tones.
Use this values (in 1/10seconds) as ringback_goes_away setting.
Post by Pascal
If vgetty is not able to do that, what soft can I use instead ?
The problem is, that your modem needs to detect that the other party has
picked up.
For ISDN this is signalled through the D-channel. But for analog phone
line the ringback tone needs to be observed.

I will test that.

2006-11-22 10:16:41 UTC
Post by Pascal
Post by Pascal
Post by Pascal
Search in the voice.conf file for ringback an the explanation.
The default value for ringback_goes_away is 70. When I put a small
value (20) the message starts even the called party has not picked the
phone up.
I would like to detect when the called party pick up. Do you think it
is impossible ?
Call a number and measure the time between two ringback tones.
Use this values (in 1/10seconds) as ringback_goes_away setting.
Post by Pascal
If vgetty is not able to do that, what soft can I use instead ?
The problem is, that your modem needs to detect that the other party has
picked up.
For ISDN this is signalled through the D-channel. But for analog phone
line the ringback tone needs to be observed.

I have always the same problem. Finally, I have stored 20 in
ringback_goes_away and I have recorded a message in loop. The message
start playing when the phone rings. So the called party can hear the
message without delay. But it is not a good solution ...

