"force detect" patch
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Andreas Barth
2006-04-16 19:20:41 UTC
Hi Gert,

can you please take a look at the force detect patch at
http://bugs.debian.org/287288? Is this one useable for you?


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Juergen Kosel
2006-04-19 15:56:43 UTC
Post by Andreas Barth
Hi Gert,
can you please take a look at the force detect patch at
http://bugs.debian.org/287288? Is this one useable for you?
as far as I had understood it, this patch gives the option to the
sysadmin to select the vgetty modem driver, like the forceV253 option.
From the postings in this mailing list during the last year, I believe
it was a good idea, that the V253modem driver could be forced by the
Since autodetection fails also for modems, which doesn't follow ITU
V.253, I believe it would be a good thing, if the sysadmin could
optionally force a specific driver.

I can't remember why the vocp force detect patch wasn't added in the past.
- lack of time
- maybe we wouldn't get the information to add autodetection support for
some modems.

I haven't tested the force detect patch on my system, so I can't say if
it breaks something. Maybe someone else?

It seems, that the force detect patch has been removed from
Maybe it is now part of the vocp tarball?

Homepage: http://people.freenet.de/Juergen-Kosel/
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Juergen Kosel
2006-08-05 16:54:39 UTC
Post by Andreas Barth
Hi Gert,
can you please take a look at the force detect patch at
http://bugs.debian.org/287288? Is this one useable for you?
I modified Pat's patch to work with mgetty 1.1.35 sources.
(See attachment)
Since I have onle one modem (V253 compatible), please everybody test
that autodetection is not broken for your modem.

Im unsure, if the forceV253 switch in voice.conf should be removed,
because the modem type could now be forced with "force_detect V253modem".
But now I kept the switch for backward compatiblity.

I don't know Pat's email address. So I hope, he has subscribed the
mgetty mailing list.

Homepage: http://people.freenet.de/Juergen-Kosel/
PGP-Key : http://people.freenet.de/Juergen-Kosel/passwd.pgp