vgetty + VOCP + dial-up data connections
(too old to reply)
2006-10-26 00:50:56 UTC
I have m/vgetty-1.1.30-1 installed along with VOCP using a USR 56K
Voice/Fax/Data Modem.

I would like the modem configured for voice:fax:data in voice.conf.

Everything works great except for dial-up data connections.

If I use mgetty instead of vgetty I can create a dial-up data
connection without issue.

If I configure the modem in voice.conf for fax:data or just fax it
works without issue.

I've even tried using DTMF tones in the dial-up phone number (i.e.,
555-1234,,,,,D or ,5) and it will not switch out of voice.

What am I missing? How can I get vgetty to recognize the data
connection and switch out of voice to data?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Brian J. McGovern
2006-10-26 15:40:45 UTC
Fax machines generate a callout tone (the beeping you hear while
dialing), so that an answering system can hear it, and say "There is a
fax on the line, answer in fax mode".

Most data modems don't do this, hence the problem. Is the silence on the
calling side a person waiting for you to say hello? Or a modem waiting
for carrier to be initiated by the answering side? When you remove
"voice" as an option, silence on the calling side _must_ be a modem
waiting for you to emit carrier.

Typically, what I've done is to use a voice script to answer the phone
(rather than VGetty in default state), play the outgoing message, and if
the caller dials a special code (single digit, * or #, or combination),
exit in to data mode (see the API for details). If the digits don't
arrive, beep and record a message as per usual.

Then, you can place the call with "ATDT<normal number here>,,,,*". The
number is dialed normally, the 4 commas introduce ~2 seconds of delay to
allow for ringout and your system to answer (increase the number of
commas if you need more time), and then dial the asterisk to kick the
answering system in to data mode.

Post by A***@yahoo.com
I have m/vgetty-1.1.30-1 installed along with VOCP using a USR 56K
Voice/Fax/Data Modem.
I would like the modem configured for voice:fax:data in voice.conf.
Everything works great except for dial-up data connections.
If I use mgetty instead of vgetty I can create a dial-up data
connection without issue.
If I configure the modem in voice.conf for fax:data or just fax it
works without issue.
I've even tried using DTMF tones in the dial-up phone number (i.e.,
555-1234,,,,,D or ,5) and it will not switch out of voice.
What am I missing? How can I get vgetty to recognize the data
connection and switch out of voice to data?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
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2006-10-27 00:58:34 UTC

Thank you for your comments and getting me pointed in the right

After reading your reply, I began focusing my efforts on VOCP's DTMF
feature. I read previously that VOCP was configured to switch to data
connections when the DTMF 'D' tone was presented. I dug around the
vocp-users archive and found that it had worked in previous versions of
VOCP, but for some reason it was accidently not included in the latest
version. To remedy the issue, I had to patch my VOCP.pm file under the
get_dtmf subroutine with the following code:

--- VOCP.pm.orig Thu Oct 5 19:53:29 2006
+++ VOCP.pm Thu Oct 26 16:51:00 2006
@@ -4498,7 +4498,14 @@

VOCP::Util::log_msg("VOCP::get_dtmf() calling readnum with
pause $pause") if ($main::Debug > 1);

- return $self->{'voicedevice'}->readnum(undef, $pause,
$self->{'max_errors'}, $numDigits);
+ #return $self->{'voicedevice'}->readnum(undef, $pause,
$self->{'max_errors'}, $numDigits);
+ my $dtmfInput = $self->{'voicedevice'}->readnum(undef, $pause,
$self->{'max_errors'}, $numDigits);
+ #VOCP::Util::log_msg("dtmfInput $dtmfInput");
+ exit($VOCP::Vars::Exit{'DATA'}) if ($dtmfInput eq
+ return $dtmfInput;

I also confirmed that the data connection switch DTMF tone for VOCP was
indeed still 'D' from the VOCP/Vars.pm file.

$Data_con_request = 'D';

After that, I had to play around with my dial-up number into vgetty,
due to the fact that I have it answering on a distinctive ring number
and it doesn't always ring the same number of times.

I ended up with this dial-up number: 555-1234,,,,,,,D,D,D,D,D

Now, I am having problems with mgetty or pppd (not quite sure which
one) negotiating the two modems connection. On the server end, I have
a US Robotics 56K Voice/Fax/Data. On the client end, I have a Supra
56K V.92 Voice. In the vgetty.ttySx log, I see the server waiting for
the 'CONNECT' string. I can hear the modems negotiating, but they
never seem to estabilish the connection. Then the client disconnects
and the server responds with a 'NO CARRIER' error.

Any idea what my be causing the two modems to not negotiate?

Thank you for your assistance.


Post by Brian J. McGovern
Fax machines generate a callout tone (the beeping you hear while
dialing), so that an answering system can hear it, and say "There is a
fax on the line, answer in fax mode".
Most data modems don't do this, hence the problem. Is the silence on the
calling side a person waiting for you to say hello? Or a modem waiting
for carrier to be initiated by the answering side? When you remove
"voice" as an option, silence on the calling side _must_ be a modem
waiting for you to emit carrier.
Typically, what I've done is to use a voice script to answer the phone
(rather than VGetty in default state), play the outgoing message, and if
the caller dials a special code (single digit, * or #, or combination),
exit in to data mode (see the API for details). If the digits don't
arrive, beep and record a message as per usual.
Then, you can place the call with "ATDT<normal number here>,,,,*". The
number is dialed normally, the 4 commas introduce ~2 seconds of delay to
allow for ringout and your system to answer (increase the number of
commas if you need more time), and then dial the asterisk to kick the
answering system in to data mode.