Caller ID in vgetty for USR voice modem
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Daniel Dickinson
2008-04-22 04:01:53 UTC

I have my USR modem working fine with voice and so on, but I don't seem
to be able to get Caller ID to work on it. How is this supposed to be
done? And is $CALLER_ID the correct environment variable to use for a
a script that renames the call to be based on caller-id and date (I
already do the date).


And that's my crabbing done for the day. Got it out of the way early,
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or
strangle cute bunnies or something. -- Michael Devore
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Paul Fox
2008-04-22 10:27:33 UTC
Post by Daniel Dickinson
I have my USR modem working fine with voice and so on, but I don't seem
to be able to get Caller ID to work on it. How is this supposed to be
done? And is $CALLER_ID the correct environment variable to use for a
a script that renames the call to be based on caller-id and date (I
already do the date).
have you enabled it in your init script? i've owned two voice
modems, a rockwell and a lucent, and have used these two config
# Rockwell:
#post-init-chat "" AT#CID=1 OK
# Lucent:
post-init-chat "" AT+VCID=1 OK

do you see CID information in the logs? you should, at least
if you bump the verbosity by putting "debug 6" near the top of

if you don't, you'll need to verify that the modem will do it at
all. connect (with minicom, or something like that), and
manually enter:

<-- place a call here, and you should see:


if this doesn't work, be sure that you're not plugged into the
phone lines via some device that might be filtering out the CID
information. (i had a week or two of trouble one time because i
was using a tiny line sharing device intended for a modem and a
phone -- it looked like a Y-connector, but it was designed so
that if you picked up the phone, the modem would be cut off.
something in its circuitry caused CID info to be consistently

gert -- are there good archives of the list available anywhere?

paul fox, ***@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 41.4 degrees)

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