Why is vgetty looking for voice.conf in root ?
(too old to reply)
2006-04-21 03:00:55 UTC
All my older versions of vgetty always found my voice.conf in:


Since I installed 1.1.34 vgetty is looking for voice.conf in:

Log files:

vgetty: experimental test release 0.9.32
mgetty: interim release 1.1.34-Nov30

04/20 21:26:40 yS4 reading generic configuration from config file
04/20 21:26:40 yS4 no config file found: /voice.conf
04/20 21:26:40 yS4 reading program vgetty configuration from config
file /voice.conf
04/20 21:26:40 yS4 no config file found: /voice.conf
04/20 21:26:40 yS4 reading port ttyS4 configuration from config file
04/20 21:26:40 yS4 no config file found: /voice.conf

4/20 21:27:40 yS4 reading ring_type ring8 configuration from config
file /voice.conf
04/20 21:27:40 yS4 no config file found: /voice.conf


Did something change?

Gert Doering
2006-04-21 09:46:34 UTC
Post by tkvoice
Sounds like a build problem. Someone needs to investigate what I broke...
Post by tkvoice
Did something change?
I did some makefile changes, maybe breaking vgetty build in the process
(CONFDIR not being passed to voice/Makefile, or so).

From a cursory look, things look fine, though. How did you build vgetty?

Running "make vgetty" from the main source directory should work, while
I'm not sure "make" from the voice/ subdirectory will do the right thing.

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2006-04-21 14:58:09 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
I did some makefile changes, maybe breaking vgetty build in the process
(CONFDIR not being passed to voice/Makefile, or so).
From a cursory look, things look fine, though. How did you build vgetty?
Running "make vgetty" from the main source directory should work, while
I'm not sure "make" from the voice/ subdirectory will do the right thing.

I did use the make/install from the voice/ subdirectory.

So I decided to start fresh and rebuild everything from the src
directory and make/installed vgetty from the mgetty src directory and
now vgetty is working properly:

04/21 09:51:32 yS4 reading port ttyS4 configuration from config file
04/21 09:51:32 yS4 reading /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...

So I guess the make file in the /voice directory is messed up.

Thank you,

