init-chat times out
(too old to reply)
Christopher Nelson
2006-07-09 16:38:14 UTC
Can I control the timeout period for init-chat? It seems quite short
and I'm running in to it quite often. I've added to the init-chat in
the distribution to set the modem speed:

init-chat "" ATZ OK AT+VCID=1+VCDT=0 OK
"AT+MS=V90,1,300,56000,300,56000" OK

and now sometimes the init-chat fails:

01/02 20:31:20 S01 mgetty: interim release 1.1.33-Apr10
01/02 20:31:20 S01 check for lockfiles
01/02 20:31:20 S01 locking the line
01/02 20:31:20 S01 can't get user id for 'uucp': No such file or
01/02 20:31:21 S01 lowering DTR to reset Modem
01/02 20:31:21 S01 send: ATZ[0d]
01/02 20:31:21 S01 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
01/02 20:31:21 S01 send: AT+VCID=1+VCDT=0[0d]
01/02 20:31:21 S01 waiting for ``OK''
01/02 20:31:41 S01 timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
01/02 20:31:41 S01 init chat timed out, trying force-init-chat
01/02 20:31:41 S01 send: \d[10][03]\d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]\dATQ0V1H0[0d]
01/02 20:31:45 S01 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
01/02 20:31:46 S01 send: ATZ[0d]
01/02 20:31:46 S01 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
01/02 20:31:46 S01 send: AT+VCID=1+VCDT=0[0d]
01/02 20:31:46 S01 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
01/02 20:31:46 S01 send: AT+MS=V90,1,300,56000,300,56000[0d]
01/02 20:31:46 S01 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
Gert Doering
2006-07-09 17:47:16 UTC
Post by Christopher Nelson
01/02 20:31:21 S01 send: AT+VCID=1+VCDT=0[0d]
01/02 20:31:21 S01 waiting for ``OK''
01/02 20:31:41 S01 timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
That's *20 seconds*. How long is your modem supposed to take to answer
to a simple AT command?

And no, this timeout can not be increased - it's supposed to be fairly
quick, in case a modem is stuck, so the force-init-chat (which takes
longer to run, and is not executed everyt time) can then be used to beat
the modem into submission.

In your case, this looks more like "after ATZ the modem isn't ready yet
to take another command so quickly, so it's ignoring the AT+VCID=1...
command, and won't send an OK reply to it however long you'll wait".

Try adding a \\d (0.5s delay) in front of the AT+VCID=1+VCDT=0 command,
and see if that improves things. If not, please send a log with "-x6",
as there might be other stuff coming back from the modem that wasn't
visible in this log file.

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