How to record a call?
(too old to reply)
2007-07-12 21:24:58 UTC
Hi there,

Google's not quickly showing an answer and I'm sure the regulars on
here can answer this question in no time, so only slight apologies
for not searching harder.

I have an installation of m(v)gettty which has been running very
happily as a voicemail system for 3 or 4 years. It has been my main
answerphone all that time, receives faxes and has needed no
maintenance. I have forgotten most everything I learned setting it up.

I have a need to record a singe outgoing call. I think I can set the
modem to pick up the phone & start recording. I can then pick up the
phone on another extension of the same line and dial the number. The
whole conversation should be recorded to a .pvf (or whatever) file.

How do I do this, please? I'd imagine it's a single & short command-

TIA for your replies,


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Juergen Kosel
2007-07-13 15:55:06 UTC
Hash: SHA1

Post by Stroller
I have a need to record a singe outgoing call. I think I can set the
modem to pick up the phone & start recording. I can then pick up the
phone on another extension of the same line and dial the number. The
whole conversation should be recorded to a .pvf (or whatever) file.
How do I do this, please? I'd imagine it's a single & short command-line.
vm record -d2 /tmp/phoncall.rmd
vm record -d10 /tmp/phoncall.rmd

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2008-03-10 14:05:34 UTC
Post by Juergen Kosel
Post by Stroller
I have a need to record a singe outgoing call. I think I can set the
modem to pick up the phone & start recording. I can then pick up the
phone on another extension of the same line and dial the number. The
whole conversation should be recorded to a .pvf (or whatever) file.
How do I do this, please? I'd imagine it's a single & short
vm record -d2 /tmp/phoncall.rmd
vm record -d10 /tmp/phoncall.rmd
It transpired that the call I needed to make when I posted this
question last year was really urgent, and I had to place it without
recording it before I received Juergen's very helpful reply.

But I had occasion to try this last week, instead, and it worked
great, except that 2 or 3 times during the call the recording process
stopped & I had to restart it to a new file. Obviously there were
gaps between the recordings.

Am I correct in thinking that this problem could be alleviated by the
"-T" or "-V" flags to `vm`?
Or perhaps the "-L" parameter? Although I think the recordings were
different lengths.

What's the best way to tell `vm record` to "just keep recording until
I interrupt you with a CTRL-C", please?

TIA for any suggestions,


vm (embarrassingly old version)

vm record [options] <file name>

-L <n> set maximum recording length in sec
-T <n> set silence timeout in 0.1sec
-V <n> set silence threshold to <n> (0-100%)
Bertie Coopersmith
2007-07-13 16:09:17 UTC
On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 22:24:58 +0100
Post by Stroller
Hi there,
Google's not quickly showing an answer and I'm sure the regulars on
here can answer this question in no time, so only slight apologies
for not searching harder.
I have an installation of m(v)gettty which has been running very
happily as a voicemail system for 3 or 4 years. It has been my main
answerphone all that time, receives faxes and has needed no
maintenance. I have forgotten most everything I learned setting it up.
I have a need to record a singe outgoing call. I think I can set the
modem to pick up the phone & start recording. I can then pick up the
phone on another extension of the same line and dial the number. The
whole conversation should be recorded to a .pvf (or whatever) file.
How do I do this, please? I'd imagine it's a single & short command-
TIA for your replies,
I use a Windows laptop and an inexpensive PC microphone to record my outgoing message
as a .wav file. (I chose not to do this on my Linux PC because it picks up mains hum.
With a laptop under battery power this is not a problem and also I can easily move everything to a quiet room to make the recording. Back on Linux I use the pvf utilities to convert to my modem's .rdm format. (Incidentally, I covert all my incoming messages
to speex (.spx) files (which is the format I have chosen for speech recorded from radio programmes via an audio cable or from the web via conversion from mp3 or realaudio format. Email me if you need more details. ***@coopersmith.demon.co.uk .

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Juergen Kosel
2008-03-10 18:02:52 UTC
Hash: SHA1

Post by Juergen Kosel
vm record -d2 /tmp/phoncall.rmd
vm record -d10 /tmp/phoncall.rmd
It transpired that the call I needed to make when I posted this question
last year was really urgent, and I had to place it without recording it
before I received Juergen's very helpful reply.
But I had occasion to try this last week, instead, and it worked great,
except that 2 or 3 times during the call the recording process stopped &
I had to restart it to a new file. Obviously there were gaps between the
Am I correct in thinking that this problem could be alleviated by the
"-T" or "-V" flags to `vm`?
Or perhaps the "-L" parameter? Although I think the recordings were
different lengths.
What's the best way to tell `vm record` to "just keep recording until I
interrupt you with a CTRL-C", please?
TIA for any suggestions,
vm (embarrassingly old version)
vm record [options] <file name>
-L <n> set maximum recording length in sec
-T <n> set silence timeout in 0.1sec
-V <n> set silence threshold to <n> (0-100%)
as far as I remember, recording stops by:
- - timeout: rec_max_len
- - silence: rec_silence_len and rec_silence_threshold

For V253 modems you can disable silence detection, if you configure
rec_silence_threshold 0 in the voice.conf file (at least for vm).
Otherwise you could increase the silence length etc.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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