sendfax problem
(too old to reply)
Sabine Baer
2009-05-09 10:43:40 UTC

I use mgetty to receive faxes and accept a remote login, it works
fine, without any trouble.

Now, I tried to use mgetty for the first time since a long time to
send a fax. But the modem seems to be not configured to do the job.
It doesn't even dial.

If I try minicom or cu -l /dev/cuad1 and after having got the
connection to the modem I type atx0 and then the modem dials after
atdt nnnnn and the remote side rings (it doesn't answer, but it's not
configured for that).

But I don't want to talk to remote modems and computers, I want to
send a fax.

So, which config file has to be changed in what way that I can send
faxes and receive them as well?


"Wissenschaftlich betrachtet wird das Häuschen kaputt sein."
(Th. Waschke in dswc auf die Frage eines wissenschftlich
Interessierten, was mit einem Holzhaus, in dem eine Atombombe
gezuendet wird, passiere.)
Juergen Kosel
2009-05-09 12:14:39 UTC
Hash: SHA1

Post by Sabine Baer
I use mgetty to receive faxes and accept a remote login, it works
fine, without any trouble.
Now, I tried to use mgetty for the first time since a long time to
send a fax. But the modem seems to be not configured to do the job.
It doesn't even dial.
If I try minicom or cu -l /dev/cuad1 and after having got the
connection to the modem I type atx0 and then the modem dials after
atdt nnnnn and the remote side rings (it doesn't answer, but it's not
configured for that).
Sendfax has its own configuration file. Please ensure that also sendfax
is configured properly and that sendfax is started when you try to send
a fax.
Post by Sabine Baer
So, which config file has to be changed in what way that I can send
faxes and receive them as well?
Depending on your system installation it is
/usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/sendfax.config or

You need to run faxsend by hand or use faxspool and faxrunq as described in
man faxspool
man faxrunq

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Sabine Baer
2009-05-09 14:43:20 UTC
On Sat, May 09, 2009 at 02:14:39PM +0200, Juergen Kosel wrote:

Post by Juergen Kosel
You need to run faxsend by hand or use faxspool and faxrunq as described in
man faxspool
man faxrunq
Well, thanks.
I tried to use

The config file is

|fax-devices cuad1
|port cuad1
|fax-id +49 nnn nnnnnn
|modem-type c2.0
|debug 4
|modem-handshake AT&H3
|max-tries 3
|max-tries-continue YES
|speed 38400
|dial-prefix ATD
|poll-dir ./
|normal-res NO
|verbose NO

When I do a
/usr/local/sbin/sendfax 0nnnnnnn /usr/home/monkel/fofo.g3
the modem doesn't get 'ein Amt' - I think, 'no dialtone' is the
english expression for the german 'kein Amt bekommen' (the 'Dauerton'
in Germany).
The '0' before the phone number is the number I have to dial for to
receive a dialtone at telephone. But as I wrote, using minicom or cu -l I have to type atx0 first and then to dial 0-nnnnnnn.

Changing the sendfax.config to

modem-handshake AT&H3x0 or
modem-handshake AT&H3atx0

has no effect.

Man wird hier zunehmend bizarrer. (Christian Schulz in dang)

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Juergen Kosel
2009-05-09 15:34:31 UTC
Hash: SHA1

Post by Sabine Baer
The config file is
|fax-devices cuad1
|dial-prefix ATD
dial-prefix ATD0W

So if your modem follows the usal standard, it should dial the 0 without
waiting for the dialtone and after the 0 it has to wait for the dialtone.
Post by Sabine Baer
modem-handshake AT&H3x0 or
the above should do the job. Also
modem-handshake AT&H3X3

so the modem ignores the no dialtone but evaluates the busy tone.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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Sabine Baer
2009-05-10 06:16:01 UTC
On Sat, May 09, 2009 at 05:34:31PM +0200, Juergen Kosel wrote:

Post by Juergen Kosel
dial-prefix ATD0W
So if your modem follows the usal standard, it should dial the 0
without waiting for the dialtone and after the 0 it has to wait for
the dialtone.
Post by Sabine Baer
modem-handshake AT&H3x0 or
the above should do the job. Also
modem-handshake AT&H3X3
so the modem ignores the no dialtone but evaluates the busy tone.
No sorry, both didn't do it.
But I've found (I should have been searching befor mailing) the config
file entry

'modem-init AT foo'

and changed it to

'modem-init AT X0'

before modem-handshake.

Now it sends faxes with that end:
|/usr/local/sbin/sendfax: FAILED to transmit
|Transmission error: +FHNG:54 (No response to EOP repeated 3 times)

But the fax has arrived anyway.

Thanks a lot for Your help,

Wir sind alle der Gnade eines herabfallenden Dachziegels ausgeliefert.
Uns bleibt nur das Bild Jupiters, wie er umhergeht und Dachziegel
lockert, die dann auf einen Limonadeverkaeufer oder auf Caesar fallen.
(Thornton Wilder, Die Iden des Maerz)

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Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Gert Doering
2009-05-10 17:02:52 UTC
Post by Sabine Baer
|modem-handshake AT&H3
|max-tries 3
|max-tries-continue YES
|speed 38400
|dial-prefix ATD
|poll-dir ./
|normal-res NO
|verbose NO
When I do a
/usr/local/sbin/sendfax 0nnnnnnn /usr/home/monkel/fofo.g3
the modem doesn't get 'ein Amt' - I think, 'no dialtone' is the
english expression for the german 'kein Amt bekommen' (the 'Dauerton'
in Germany).
The '0' before the phone number is the number I have to dial for to
receive a dialtone at telephone. But as I wrote, using minicom or cu -l I have to type atx0 first and then to dial 0-nnnnnnn.
In that case, change the dial-string to:

dial-prefix ATX3D0W

and it will automatically disable dial-tone detection, dial a "0", wait
for the dial-tone, and then go ahead with the normal number.

I'm sure this is in the documentation somewhere.

USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany ***@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025 ***@net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Sabine Baer
2009-05-11 05:04:56 UTC
Post by Gert Doering
dial-prefix ATX3D0W
and it will automatically disable dial-tone detection, dial a "0", wait
for the dial-tone, and then go ahead with the normal number.
Wow, yes, it did. I had to stripe the '0' in Front of the Number

NOT /usr/local/sbin/sendfax 0nnnnnnn /usr/home/monkel/macbook.fax
BUT /usr/local/sbin/sendfax nnnnnnn /usr/home/monkel/macbook.fax

Thank you.
Post by Gert Doering
I'm sure this is in the documentation somewhere.
ohh aehmm :-\

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es muesse sich dabei doch auch was denken lassen.
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