Blaues Wunder - dann klappts auch mit der Nachbarin
(too old to reply)
MSN Hotmail
2008-04-14 16:17:51 UTC
Thank you for reporting spam to the MSN Hotmail Support Team. This is an auto-generated response to inform you that we have received your submission. Please note that you will not receive a reply if you respond directly to this message.

Unfortunately, in order to process your request, Hotmail Support needs a valid MSN/Hotmail hosted account.

We can help you best when you forward the spam/abusive mail as an attachment to us. The attachment should have full headers / message routing information displayed. This means that the complete “From” address of the offending message should be displayed. If you need help to do this, please visit the following website:


If you have deleted or no longer have the message, you can still resubmit your report by sending the name of the violating MSN/Hotmail hosted account and a description of your concerns. If your submission does not involve a third party, please include your own account name in the body of your message along with the description of your concerns so we can process your report.

For further instructions on how to submit spam and abusive emails to Hotmail, please visit:


For more information about MSN Hotmail’s efforts and technologies used to fight spam and abusive e-mails please visit:

Autoreply huurder.be
2008-04-14 15:58:21 UTC

Bedankt voor uw mail!

Hou er echter rekening mee dat wij geen mails beantwoorden waarin om individueel advies wordt gevraagd. Wij beschikken immers over onvoldoende gegevens over uw concrete situatie (huurcontract, feitelijke omstandigheden,...).

U kan echter steeds terecht bij een specialist (http://www.huurder.be/hulp.htm).

met vriendelijke groeten,

het huurder.be-team
